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База данных: Electronic catalog FEFU
Page 1, Results: 1
Отмеченные записи: 0
Demultiplexer Based on Photonic Crystals / S. Alejandro-Izquierdo [и др. ] // Успехи современной радиоэлектроники. Зарубежная радиоэлектроника. - N 10 (2006), С. 76-79, С. 76-79. - Библиогр.: с. 79 (14 назв. ). - (Зарубежная радиоэлектроника.- 2006.- N 2)
ББК 22.34
Рубрики: Физика--Оптика
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
демультиплексоры -- кристаллы фотонные -- оптическая связь -- фотонные кристаллы
Аннотация: Photonic crystals are periodic structures of the dielectric materials where is possible manipulate photons in many interesting ways. Photonic band gap can propagate specific wavelengths. We present the design of demultiplexer based in photonic crystals. The control of the dielectric materials, periodicity, and size of the dielectric, is very important for light propagation. In optical communications we need to work with 1. 31чm and 1. 55чm by the total dispersion and due to the minimum dispersions inside the fiber and therefore minimum loses. Our design of the demultiplexer is based on difference between the background and rod refractive index.
Доп.точки доступа:
Alejandro-Izquierdo, S.
Rojas-Laguna, R.
Alvarado-Mendez, E.
Andrade-Lucio, J. A.
Trejo-Duran, M.
Sukhoivanov, I. A.
Estudillo-Ayala, J. M.
Vargas-Gutierrez, E.
Demultiplexer Based on Photonic Crystals / S. Alejandro-Izquierdo [и др. ] // Успехи современной радиоэлектроники. Зарубежная радиоэлектроника. - N 10 (2006), С. 76-79, С. 76-79. - Библиогр.: с. 79 (14 назв. ). - (Зарубежная радиоэлектроника.- 2006.- N 2)
Рубрики: Физика--Оптика
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
демультиплексоры -- кристаллы фотонные -- оптическая связь -- фотонные кристаллы
Аннотация: Photonic crystals are periodic structures of the dielectric materials where is possible manipulate photons in many interesting ways. Photonic band gap can propagate specific wavelengths. We present the design of demultiplexer based in photonic crystals. The control of the dielectric materials, periodicity, and size of the dielectric, is very important for light propagation. In optical communications we need to work with 1. 31чm and 1. 55чm by the total dispersion and due to the minimum dispersions inside the fiber and therefore minimum loses. Our design of the demultiplexer is based on difference between the background and rod refractive index.
Доп.точки доступа:
Alejandro-Izquierdo, S.
Rojas-Laguna, R.
Alvarado-Mendez, E.
Andrade-Lucio, J. A.
Trejo-Duran, M.
Sukhoivanov, I. A.
Estudillo-Ayala, J. M.
Vargas-Gutierrez, E.
Page 1, Results: 1