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Белоброва, Анжелика Андреевна.
    Souoth Korean enterprises in the Russian Far East: factors affecting the choice of the market entry strategy : магистерская диссертация по направлению подготовки: 38.04.02 - Менеджмент / Анжелика Андреевна Белоброва. - [Б. м. : б. и.], 2019. - EN. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/714FA3B7-B452-40B4-A37C-DD7DA6DDBBC8

Рубрики: магистерская диссертация

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Менеджмент -- South Korean companies
Аннотация: This dissertation contributes to an understanding of Korean enterprises in the Russian Far East. The theoretical framework of the study has been contributed with Transactional cost theory, Resource-based theory and Institutional theory. The empirical focus is on market entry strategies chosen by South Korean enterprises entering the Far Eastern market. The research question of the study asks how South Korean enterprises make the entry strategy decision entering the Russian Far East.

Белоброва, Анжелика Андреевна. Souoth Korean enterprises in the Russian Far East: factors affecting the choice of the market entry strategy : магистерская диссертация по направлению подготовки: 38.04.02 - Менеджмент [Текст] / Анжелика Андреевна Белоброва, 2019


Белоброва, Анжелика Андреевна. Souoth Korean enterprises in the Russian Far East: factors affecting the choice of the market entry strategy : магистерская диссертация по направлению подготовки: 38.04.02 - Менеджмент [Текст] / Анжелика Андреевна Белоброва, 2019

Белоброва, Анжелика Андреевна.
    Souoth Korean enterprises in the Russian Far East: factors affecting the choice of the market entry strategy : магистерская диссертация по направлению подготовки: 38.04.02 - Менеджмент / Анжелика Андреевна Белоброва. - [Б. м. : б. и.], 2019. - EN. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/714FA3B7-B452-40B4-A37C-DD7DA6DDBBC8

Рубрики: магистерская диссертация

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Менеджмент -- South Korean companies
Аннотация: This dissertation contributes to an understanding of Korean enterprises in the Russian Far East. The theoretical framework of the study has been contributed with Transactional cost theory, Resource-based theory and Institutional theory. The empirical focus is on market entry strategies chosen by South Korean enterprises entering the Far Eastern market. The research question of the study asks how South Korean enterprises make the entry strategy decision entering the Russian Far East.

Page 1, Results: 1


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