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База данных: Electronic library
Page 2, Results: 19
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DDC 418/.02071
S 50
Setton, Robin,.
Conference interpreting : : a trainer's guide / / Robin Setton ; Andrew Dawrant. - Amsterdam ; ; Philadelphia : : John Benjamins Publishing Company,, [2016]. - 1 online resource. - (Benjamins Translation Library ; ; v.121). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/5F30D21D-2658-4DED-B1DB-34CDC849B765. - ISBN 9789027267566 (pdf). - ISBN 9027267561 (pdf)
Print version record and CIP data provided by publisher.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Setton, Robin. Conference interpreting. - Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, [2016]. - ISBN 9789027258632
Intro -- Conference Interpreting A Trainer's Guide -- Editorial page -- Title page -- LCC data -- Authors' bios -- Table of contents -- List of tables and figures -- Abbreviations -- General introduction -- Acknowledgements -- 1. Introduction to the Trainer's Guide -- Professionalism: the devil is in the detail -- Revisiting testing and certification -- Theory and research -- 2. Teaching conference interpreting -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.1.1 Overview -- 2.1.2 Key pedagogical principles and rationale -- 2.2 What makes a good instructor? -- 2.2.1 Pedagogical and class management skills -- 2.2.2 Feedback and demonstration expertise -- 2.2.3 Human qualities -- 2.2.4 Theoretical knowledge -- 2.2.5 Training the trainers -- 2.2.6 Postgraduate teaching assistants (TAs) -- 2.2.7 Other auxiliary instructors -- 2.2.8 Pedagogical coordination and cohesion -- 2.3 The student's experience -- 2.3.1 Morale and motivation -- 2.3.2 The learning curve -- 2.4 Class design and configurations -- 2.4.1 Types of class configuration -- 2.4.2 Class size, composition and duration -- 2.4.3 Diversity and class participation -- 2.4.4 Language combination of instructors -- 2.4.5 Team- or assisted teaching and 'triangular' classes -- 2.5 The interpreting skills classroom -- 2.5.1 Student-centred learning -- 2.5.2 Putting yourself in the student's place -- 2.5.3 Learning what and learning how -- 2.5.4 Teaching methods and classroom procedures -- 2.5.5 Choosing the right materials -- Progression in materials -- Assessing speech difficulty -- Finding authentic speeches and maintaining a speech bank -- 2.5.6 Topic and event preparation and brainstorming -- 2.5.7 Student performance and discussion -- Taking turns and class involvement -- Discussion: staying focused -- 2.5.8 Feedback -- General principles. Follow-up: stand-back vs. hands-on pedagogy -- 2.5.9 Explanations, theory, metaphors and models -- 2.5.10 Agreeing on terms -- 2.5.11 Instructor demonstrations -- 2.5.12 Combining teaching modes -- 2.6 Expertise and deliberate practice -- 2.6.1 Expert performance research -- 2.6.2 Deliberate practice -- 2.6.3 Private study and deliberate practice -- 2.7 Summary -- Appendix A -- 3. Curriculum and progression -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Revisiting the standard training paradigm -- 3.2.1 Origins: instinct and apprenticeship -- 3.2.2 The call for a scientific basis for training -- 3.2.3 Component-skills approaches -- Component skills (part-task) vs. holistic training -- Task analysis: models of interpreting -- What kind of task is interpreting? -- Conditions for effective part-task training -- Incremental realism and motivation -- 3.2.4 What can be taught and how? -- Teaching interpreting 'strategies' -- Bridging the declarative-procedural gap -- 3.2.5 Apprenticeship, scientific teaching and student-focused learning -- 3.2.6 Individual variability and flexibility -- 3.3 Curriculum design -- 3.3.1 Curriculum components -- 3.3.2 Progression: steps to expertise -- 3.3.3 Cross-cutting skills -- 3.3.4 Bridging theory and practice -- 3.3.5 Course duration and staging -- Why Consecutive and Sight Translation before SI? -- Sight translation -- Working first into A, then into B -- 3.3.6 Curriculum flexibility -- 3.4 In-course assessment -- 3.4.1 The Midpoint Exam: selection for SI training -- Rationale, criteria and procedure -- Test items -- Midpoint assessment criteria -- 3.4.2 Assessment through the course: progression of constructs and criteria -- 3.4.3 Other forms of in-course assessment -- Self- and peer-assessment. Student portfolios and journals -- 3.5 Pedagogy and curriculum: updating the apprenticeship model -- 3.5.1 Existing weaknesses -- 3.5.2 Summary of recommendations -- Further reading -- 4. Selection and admission -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Defining standards for admission -- 4.2.1 Language proficiency -- 4.2.2 The profile of a promising trainee: other criteria -- 4.3 Entrance examinations -- 4.3.1 General procedure and pre-screening -- 4.3.2 The written exam -- Standardly scorable tests -- Performance tests -- Choice of tests and grading: the decision tree -- 4.3.3 Oral test and interview -- Panel composition and qualifications -- Guidelines for speeches -- Live speech vs. video -- Rater training and preparation -- Oral exam procedure -- Adapting or varying test procedure (on the fly) -- 4.3.4 Assessment, grading and deliberations -- Scoring procedure -- What to look for -- Final selection -- 4.3.5 Candidate profiles -- 4.3.6 Admission exams and pedagogy -- 4.4 Research on aptitude testing: criticisms and solutions -- 4.4.1 Consensus and best practices -- 4.4.2 Criticisms of the traditional aptitude test -- 4.4.3 The search for (more) objectivity -- An early experiment with psychometric testing -- Staggered or extended selection procedures -- 4.4.4 Aptitude testing in practice -- the challenge of feasibility -- 4.5 Summary and recommendations -- Further reading -- Appendix A -- Appendix B -- Appendix C -- 5. Initiation to interpreting -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Active Listening exercises -- 5.2.1 Idiomatic Gist -- 5.2.2 Listening Cloze -- 5.2.3 Discourse Modelling and Outlining -- 5.3 Concision and compression -- 5.4 Deverbalization and interference-busting -- 5.5 First steps in real interpreting.
5.5.1 Short Consecutive without notes -- 5.5.2 Role and mediation: impartiality and fidelity -- 5.6 Public Speaking and Delivery Skills -- 5.7 Initiation: pedagogical notes -- 5.8 The learning curve: a novelty bonus -- 5.9 Initiation: structure and objectives -- 5.10 Some basic theory for instructors (and students) -- 5.10.1 A general theory of communication -- 5.10.2 Language, context and communicative intent -- 5.10.3 What makes a speech a speech? Function, rhetoric and genre -- 5.10.4 Meaning vs. form-based translation and the Théorie du sens (ITT) -- 5.11 Summary -- Further reading -- 6. Teaching consecutive interpreting -- 6.1 Introduction: teaching full consecutive -- 6.1.1 Note-taking: doctrine and pedagogy -- 6.1.2 Progression in consecutive -- 6.2 Orientation: Introduction to Note-taking (S1 weeks 6-9) -- 6.2.1 Student morale and the learning curve -- 6.2.2 Demonstration: notes as a help and a hindrance -- 6.2.3 The place of theory -- 6.3 Note-taking: the 'Standard Method' -- 6.3.1 Cue-words and links -- 6.3.2 Note-taking II: layout and information capture -- 6.3.3 Note-taking III: Completing the Toolkit -- 6.4 Coordination (mid- S1, weeks 10-13) -- 6.4.1 Focus and class procedure -- 6.4.2 The learning curve: getting on the bicycle -- 6.4.3 Coordination: pedagogy and feedback -- 6.4.4 The method and the individual -- 6.5 Experimentation through practice (late S1, early S2) -- 6.5.1 Focus: adaptation and flexibility -- 6.5.2 The learning curve: student and class morale -- 6.5.3 Pedagogical focus and class organization -- 6.6 Consolidation (from early/mid S2 through S3) -- 6.6.1 The learning curve: resurfacing -- 6.6.2 Consolidation: pedagogy and feedback -- 6.6.3 'At the table': adapting to setting and environment -- 6.6.4 Consecutive and new technology -- 6.7 Polishing and advanced consecutive (Year 2, S3-S4) -- 6.8 Research and modelling.
6.8.1 Observational research: the role of notes -- 6.8.2 Consecutive and memory -- 6.8.3 Attention and processing capacity -- The Effort Model of Consecutive Interpreting -- Reducing cognitive load: knowledge and procedural skills -- Distributing effort between capture and delivery -- 6.8.4 Technique, process and product in consecutive -- 6.9 Summary -- 7. Language, knowledge and working into B -- 7.1 Introduction and overview -- 7.1.1 Language and knowledge in interpreter training -- 7.1.2 The directionality debate: ideals and reality -- 7.2 Language enhancement in the curriculum -- 7.2.1 LE classes for interpreters -- 7.2.2 Feedback in interpreting skills classes -- 7.2.3 Remedial coaching in tutorial format -- 7.2.4 Independent study and practice -- 7.3 Interpreting into B: needs, challenges and strategies -- 7.3.1 Parameters for successful interpreting into B -- Quality of the B language -- Speech and event type -- Finding the right balance -- 7.3.2 Timing and management of into-B training -- 7.3.3 Common into-B problems and remedies -- 7.3.4 SI into B: feedback -- Participation of 'pure users' -- Relay interpreting from a pivot working into B -- 7.3.5 Working into B in difficult conditions -- 7.4 Knowledge Enhancement: general and special modules -- 7.4.1 General domain modules: Law and Economics -- 7.4.2 Talking the talk: the language of research reports and presentations -- 7.4.3 Specialized knowledge and customized modules -- 7.5 Some background science -- 7.5.1 Language enhancement: the art of the possible -- 7.5.2 Implicit and explicit competence -- 7.5.3 Linguistic knowledge, pragmatic competence and motivation -- 7.5.4 Selective activation in the multilingual brain -- 7.6 Summary -- Further reading -- 8. Teaching simultaneous interpreting -- 8.1 Introduction.
~РУБ DDC 418/.02071
Рубрики: Congresses and conventions--Translating services.
Translating services
Translating and interpreting
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY--Multi-Language Phrasebooks.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES--Alphabets & Writing Systems.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES--Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES--Linguistics--General.
Congresses and conventions--Translating services.
Translating and interpreting.
Translating services.
Доп.точки доступа:
Dawrant, Andrew, \author.\
S 50
Setton, Robin,.
Conference interpreting : : a trainer's guide / / Robin Setton ; Andrew Dawrant. - Amsterdam ; ; Philadelphia : : John Benjamins Publishing Company,, [2016]. - 1 online resource. - (Benjamins Translation Library ; ; v.121). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/5F30D21D-2658-4DED-B1DB-34CDC849B765. - ISBN 9789027267566 (pdf). - ISBN 9027267561 (pdf)
Print version record and CIP data provided by publisher.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Setton, Robin. Conference interpreting. - Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, [2016]. - ISBN 9789027258632
Intro -- Conference Interpreting A Trainer's Guide -- Editorial page -- Title page -- LCC data -- Authors' bios -- Table of contents -- List of tables and figures -- Abbreviations -- General introduction -- Acknowledgements -- 1. Introduction to the Trainer's Guide -- Professionalism: the devil is in the detail -- Revisiting testing and certification -- Theory and research -- 2. Teaching conference interpreting -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.1.1 Overview -- 2.1.2 Key pedagogical principles and rationale -- 2.2 What makes a good instructor? -- 2.2.1 Pedagogical and class management skills -- 2.2.2 Feedback and demonstration expertise -- 2.2.3 Human qualities -- 2.2.4 Theoretical knowledge -- 2.2.5 Training the trainers -- 2.2.6 Postgraduate teaching assistants (TAs) -- 2.2.7 Other auxiliary instructors -- 2.2.8 Pedagogical coordination and cohesion -- 2.3 The student's experience -- 2.3.1 Morale and motivation -- 2.3.2 The learning curve -- 2.4 Class design and configurations -- 2.4.1 Types of class configuration -- 2.4.2 Class size, composition and duration -- 2.4.3 Diversity and class participation -- 2.4.4 Language combination of instructors -- 2.4.5 Team- or assisted teaching and 'triangular' classes -- 2.5 The interpreting skills classroom -- 2.5.1 Student-centred learning -- 2.5.2 Putting yourself in the student's place -- 2.5.3 Learning what and learning how -- 2.5.4 Teaching methods and classroom procedures -- 2.5.5 Choosing the right materials -- Progression in materials -- Assessing speech difficulty -- Finding authentic speeches and maintaining a speech bank -- 2.5.6 Topic and event preparation and brainstorming -- 2.5.7 Student performance and discussion -- Taking turns and class involvement -- Discussion: staying focused -- 2.5.8 Feedback -- General principles. Follow-up: stand-back vs. hands-on pedagogy -- 2.5.9 Explanations, theory, metaphors and models -- 2.5.10 Agreeing on terms -- 2.5.11 Instructor demonstrations -- 2.5.12 Combining teaching modes -- 2.6 Expertise and deliberate practice -- 2.6.1 Expert performance research -- 2.6.2 Deliberate practice -- 2.6.3 Private study and deliberate practice -- 2.7 Summary -- Appendix A -- 3. Curriculum and progression -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Revisiting the standard training paradigm -- 3.2.1 Origins: instinct and apprenticeship -- 3.2.2 The call for a scientific basis for training -- 3.2.3 Component-skills approaches -- Component skills (part-task) vs. holistic training -- Task analysis: models of interpreting -- What kind of task is interpreting? -- Conditions for effective part-task training -- Incremental realism and motivation -- 3.2.4 What can be taught and how? -- Teaching interpreting 'strategies' -- Bridging the declarative-procedural gap -- 3.2.5 Apprenticeship, scientific teaching and student-focused learning -- 3.2.6 Individual variability and flexibility -- 3.3 Curriculum design -- 3.3.1 Curriculum components -- 3.3.2 Progression: steps to expertise -- 3.3.3 Cross-cutting skills -- 3.3.4 Bridging theory and practice -- 3.3.5 Course duration and staging -- Why Consecutive and Sight Translation before SI? -- Sight translation -- Working first into A, then into B -- 3.3.6 Curriculum flexibility -- 3.4 In-course assessment -- 3.4.1 The Midpoint Exam: selection for SI training -- Rationale, criteria and procedure -- Test items -- Midpoint assessment criteria -- 3.4.2 Assessment through the course: progression of constructs and criteria -- 3.4.3 Other forms of in-course assessment -- Self- and peer-assessment. Student portfolios and journals -- 3.5 Pedagogy and curriculum: updating the apprenticeship model -- 3.5.1 Existing weaknesses -- 3.5.2 Summary of recommendations -- Further reading -- 4. Selection and admission -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Defining standards for admission -- 4.2.1 Language proficiency -- 4.2.2 The profile of a promising trainee: other criteria -- 4.3 Entrance examinations -- 4.3.1 General procedure and pre-screening -- 4.3.2 The written exam -- Standardly scorable tests -- Performance tests -- Choice of tests and grading: the decision tree -- 4.3.3 Oral test and interview -- Panel composition and qualifications -- Guidelines for speeches -- Live speech vs. video -- Rater training and preparation -- Oral exam procedure -- Adapting or varying test procedure (on the fly) -- 4.3.4 Assessment, grading and deliberations -- Scoring procedure -- What to look for -- Final selection -- 4.3.5 Candidate profiles -- 4.3.6 Admission exams and pedagogy -- 4.4 Research on aptitude testing: criticisms and solutions -- 4.4.1 Consensus and best practices -- 4.4.2 Criticisms of the traditional aptitude test -- 4.4.3 The search for (more) objectivity -- An early experiment with psychometric testing -- Staggered or extended selection procedures -- 4.4.4 Aptitude testing in practice -- the challenge of feasibility -- 4.5 Summary and recommendations -- Further reading -- Appendix A -- Appendix B -- Appendix C -- 5. Initiation to interpreting -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Active Listening exercises -- 5.2.1 Idiomatic Gist -- 5.2.2 Listening Cloze -- 5.2.3 Discourse Modelling and Outlining -- 5.3 Concision and compression -- 5.4 Deverbalization and interference-busting -- 5.5 First steps in real interpreting.
5.5.1 Short Consecutive without notes -- 5.5.2 Role and mediation: impartiality and fidelity -- 5.6 Public Speaking and Delivery Skills -- 5.7 Initiation: pedagogical notes -- 5.8 The learning curve: a novelty bonus -- 5.9 Initiation: structure and objectives -- 5.10 Some basic theory for instructors (and students) -- 5.10.1 A general theory of communication -- 5.10.2 Language, context and communicative intent -- 5.10.3 What makes a speech a speech? Function, rhetoric and genre -- 5.10.4 Meaning vs. form-based translation and the Théorie du sens (ITT) -- 5.11 Summary -- Further reading -- 6. Teaching consecutive interpreting -- 6.1 Introduction: teaching full consecutive -- 6.1.1 Note-taking: doctrine and pedagogy -- 6.1.2 Progression in consecutive -- 6.2 Orientation: Introduction to Note-taking (S1 weeks 6-9) -- 6.2.1 Student morale and the learning curve -- 6.2.2 Demonstration: notes as a help and a hindrance -- 6.2.3 The place of theory -- 6.3 Note-taking: the 'Standard Method' -- 6.3.1 Cue-words and links -- 6.3.2 Note-taking II: layout and information capture -- 6.3.3 Note-taking III: Completing the Toolkit -- 6.4 Coordination (mid- S1, weeks 10-13) -- 6.4.1 Focus and class procedure -- 6.4.2 The learning curve: getting on the bicycle -- 6.4.3 Coordination: pedagogy and feedback -- 6.4.4 The method and the individual -- 6.5 Experimentation through practice (late S1, early S2) -- 6.5.1 Focus: adaptation and flexibility -- 6.5.2 The learning curve: student and class morale -- 6.5.3 Pedagogical focus and class organization -- 6.6 Consolidation (from early/mid S2 through S3) -- 6.6.1 The learning curve: resurfacing -- 6.6.2 Consolidation: pedagogy and feedback -- 6.6.3 'At the table': adapting to setting and environment -- 6.6.4 Consecutive and new technology -- 6.7 Polishing and advanced consecutive (Year 2, S3-S4) -- 6.8 Research and modelling.
6.8.1 Observational research: the role of notes -- 6.8.2 Consecutive and memory -- 6.8.3 Attention and processing capacity -- The Effort Model of Consecutive Interpreting -- Reducing cognitive load: knowledge and procedural skills -- Distributing effort between capture and delivery -- 6.8.4 Technique, process and product in consecutive -- 6.9 Summary -- 7. Language, knowledge and working into B -- 7.1 Introduction and overview -- 7.1.1 Language and knowledge in interpreter training -- 7.1.2 The directionality debate: ideals and reality -- 7.2 Language enhancement in the curriculum -- 7.2.1 LE classes for interpreters -- 7.2.2 Feedback in interpreting skills classes -- 7.2.3 Remedial coaching in tutorial format -- 7.2.4 Independent study and practice -- 7.3 Interpreting into B: needs, challenges and strategies -- 7.3.1 Parameters for successful interpreting into B -- Quality of the B language -- Speech and event type -- Finding the right balance -- 7.3.2 Timing and management of into-B training -- 7.3.3 Common into-B problems and remedies -- 7.3.4 SI into B: feedback -- Participation of 'pure users' -- Relay interpreting from a pivot working into B -- 7.3.5 Working into B in difficult conditions -- 7.4 Knowledge Enhancement: general and special modules -- 7.4.1 General domain modules: Law and Economics -- 7.4.2 Talking the talk: the language of research reports and presentations -- 7.4.3 Specialized knowledge and customized modules -- 7.5 Some background science -- 7.5.1 Language enhancement: the art of the possible -- 7.5.2 Implicit and explicit competence -- 7.5.3 Linguistic knowledge, pragmatic competence and motivation -- 7.5.4 Selective activation in the multilingual brain -- 7.6 Summary -- Further reading -- 8. Teaching simultaneous interpreting -- 8.1 Introduction.
Рубрики: Congresses and conventions--Translating services.
Translating services
Translating and interpreting
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY--Multi-Language Phrasebooks.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES--Alphabets & Writing Systems.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES--Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES--Linguistics--General.
Congresses and conventions--Translating services.
Translating and interpreting.
Translating services.
Доп.точки доступа:
Dawrant, Andrew, \author.\
DDC 418/.02
T 44
The fictions of translation / / edited by Judith Woodsworth ; with the collaboration of Gillian Lane-Mercier, Patricia Godbout, Carmen Ruschiensky. - Amsterdam : : John Benjamins Publishing Company,, [2018]. - 1 online resource. - (Benjamins translation library, ; volume 139). - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/243EF080-87A0-448E-B3D1-C618B303E035. - ISBN 9789027264510 (electronic bk.). - ISBN 9027264511 (electronic bk.)
Print version record.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : FICTIONS OF TRANSLATION. - [Place of publication not identified] : JOHN BENJAMINS, 2018. - ISBN 902720019X
Intro; The Fictions of Translation; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Table of contents; Acknowledgements; Introduction: Translation as a master metaphor; From transfiction to fictions of translation; Of lives, texts and paratexts; References; Part I. Translators and translating: Status, identity and process; Chapter 1. The self-translator as author: Modern self-fashioning and ancient rhetoric in Federman, Lakhous and De Kuyper; Snapshot 1: Raymond Federman; Interlude: Marcus Tullius Cicero; Snapshot 2: Amara Lakhous; Snapshot 3: Eric de Kuyper; Conclusion; References
Chapter 2. Gertrude Stein and the paradox of translationA life in exile; Flaubert: A purported translation; Hugnet: A new way to write; Pétain: An aborted translation; References; Chapter 3. The translatorâ#x80;#x99;s biography and the politics of representation: The case of Soviet Russia; Earning the right to a biography; The translatorâ#x80;#x99;s biography in the postwar period: In Memoriam; The interpreterâ#x80;#x99;s autobiography in post-Soviet Russia: Behind the scenes; The translatorâ#x80;#x99;s biography in the Putin era: A story of survival; Conclusion; References; Chapter 4. The perils of polyglossia
The Book of LamentationsEncyclopedia of a life in Russia; â#x80;#x9C;You donâ#x80;#x99;t hear the dogsâ#x80;#x9D;; References; Chapter 5. Transcultural conversations in practice: Translating David Menceâ#x80;#x99;s plays into Italian; References; Chapter 6. Nancy Huston: Translation as selfie; References; Chapter 7. Traducteurs « privilégiés »: Regard sur lâ#x80;#x99;autotraduction du théâtre fransaskois; Introduction; Lâ#x80;#x99;autotraducteur: Traducteur « privilégié »; Le contexte fransaskois dâ#x80;#x99;autotraduction; Regard sur les autotraductions de La Maculée et Bonneau et la Bellehumeur; Publication et péritexte
Stratégies dâ#x80;#x99;autotraductionConclusion; Remerciements; Références; Chapter 8. Moving texts: The representation of the translator in Yoko Tawadaâ#x80;#x99;s and Emine Sevgi Ã#x96;zdamarâ#x80;#x99;s stories; Yoko Tawada and the physicality of translating; Emine Sevgi Ã#x96;zdamar and migration as Ã#x9C;bersetzung; Translators of translingualism; References; Part II. Texts, paratexts and contexts: Realities and fictions; Chapter 9. The remaking of the translatorâ#x80;#x99;s reality: The role of fiction in translation studies; Introduction; The relationships between fiction, research and reality; The reality of fiction
The fictions of reality in researchIntersecting points; Translation theory; Translation and identity; Translation and historiography; Translation pedagogy; Translation anthropology; Conclusion; References; Chapter 10. Transfictions of Jack London; References; Chapter 11. La figure de lâ#x80;#x99;infidÃl̈e: Pulsion traductrice et transport romanesque (à partir de Proust et de Cervantes); Références; Chapter 12. Pretending not to be original: Pseudotranslations and their functions; Pseudotranslation in translation studies; Christoph Martin Wieland: Der goldne Spiegel (1772/1794)
~РУБ DDC 418/.02
Рубрики: Translating and interpreting.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Multi-Language Phrasebooks.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Alphabets & Writing Systems.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General.
Аннотация: In 'The Fictions of Translation', emerging and seasoned scholars from a range of cultures bring fresh perspectives to bear on the age-old practice of translation. The current movement of people, knowledge and goods around the world has made intercultural communication both prevalent and indispensable. Consequently, the translator has become a more prominent figure and translation an increasingly present theme in works of literature. Embedding translation in a fictional setting and considering its most extreme forms ? pseudotranslation or self-translation, for example ? are fruitful ways of conceptualizing the act of translating and extending the boundaries of translation studies. Taken together, the various translational fictions examined in this collection yield new insights into questions of displacement, migration and hybridity, all characteristic of the modern world. 'The Fictions of Translation' will thus be of interest to practising translators, students and scholars of translation and literary studies, as well as a more general readership.
Доп.точки доступа:
Lane-Mercier, Gillian, (1956-)
Godbout, Patricia.
Ruschiensky, Carmen.
Woodsworth, Judith, \editor.\
T 44
The fictions of translation / / edited by Judith Woodsworth ; with the collaboration of Gillian Lane-Mercier, Patricia Godbout, Carmen Ruschiensky. - Amsterdam : : John Benjamins Publishing Company,, [2018]. - 1 online resource. - (Benjamins translation library, ; volume 139). - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/243EF080-87A0-448E-B3D1-C618B303E035. - ISBN 9789027264510 (electronic bk.). - ISBN 9027264511 (electronic bk.)
Print version record.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : FICTIONS OF TRANSLATION. - [Place of publication not identified] : JOHN BENJAMINS, 2018. - ISBN 902720019X
Intro; The Fictions of Translation; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Table of contents; Acknowledgements; Introduction: Translation as a master metaphor; From transfiction to fictions of translation; Of lives, texts and paratexts; References; Part I. Translators and translating: Status, identity and process; Chapter 1. The self-translator as author: Modern self-fashioning and ancient rhetoric in Federman, Lakhous and De Kuyper; Snapshot 1: Raymond Federman; Interlude: Marcus Tullius Cicero; Snapshot 2: Amara Lakhous; Snapshot 3: Eric de Kuyper; Conclusion; References
Chapter 2. Gertrude Stein and the paradox of translationA life in exile; Flaubert: A purported translation; Hugnet: A new way to write; Pétain: An aborted translation; References; Chapter 3. The translatorâ#x80;#x99;s biography and the politics of representation: The case of Soviet Russia; Earning the right to a biography; The translatorâ#x80;#x99;s biography in the postwar period: In Memoriam; The interpreterâ#x80;#x99;s autobiography in post-Soviet Russia: Behind the scenes; The translatorâ#x80;#x99;s biography in the Putin era: A story of survival; Conclusion; References; Chapter 4. The perils of polyglossia
The Book of LamentationsEncyclopedia of a life in Russia; â#x80;#x9C;You donâ#x80;#x99;t hear the dogsâ#x80;#x9D;; References; Chapter 5. Transcultural conversations in practice: Translating David Menceâ#x80;#x99;s plays into Italian; References; Chapter 6. Nancy Huston: Translation as selfie; References; Chapter 7. Traducteurs « privilégiés »: Regard sur lâ#x80;#x99;autotraduction du théâtre fransaskois; Introduction; Lâ#x80;#x99;autotraducteur: Traducteur « privilégié »; Le contexte fransaskois dâ#x80;#x99;autotraduction; Regard sur les autotraductions de La Maculée et Bonneau et la Bellehumeur; Publication et péritexte
Stratégies dâ#x80;#x99;autotraductionConclusion; Remerciements; Références; Chapter 8. Moving texts: The representation of the translator in Yoko Tawadaâ#x80;#x99;s and Emine Sevgi Ã#x96;zdamarâ#x80;#x99;s stories; Yoko Tawada and the physicality of translating; Emine Sevgi Ã#x96;zdamar and migration as Ã#x9C;bersetzung; Translators of translingualism; References; Part II. Texts, paratexts and contexts: Realities and fictions; Chapter 9. The remaking of the translatorâ#x80;#x99;s reality: The role of fiction in translation studies; Introduction; The relationships between fiction, research and reality; The reality of fiction
The fictions of reality in researchIntersecting points; Translation theory; Translation and identity; Translation and historiography; Translation pedagogy; Translation anthropology; Conclusion; References; Chapter 10. Transfictions of Jack London; References; Chapter 11. La figure de lâ#x80;#x99;infidÃl̈e: Pulsion traductrice et transport romanesque (à partir de Proust et de Cervantes); Références; Chapter 12. Pretending not to be original: Pseudotranslations and their functions; Pseudotranslation in translation studies; Christoph Martin Wieland: Der goldne Spiegel (1772/1794)
Рубрики: Translating and interpreting.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Multi-Language Phrasebooks.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Alphabets & Writing Systems.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General.
Аннотация: In 'The Fictions of Translation', emerging and seasoned scholars from a range of cultures bring fresh perspectives to bear on the age-old practice of translation. The current movement of people, knowledge and goods around the world has made intercultural communication both prevalent and indispensable. Consequently, the translator has become a more prominent figure and translation an increasingly present theme in works of literature. Embedding translation in a fictional setting and considering its most extreme forms ? pseudotranslation or self-translation, for example ? are fruitful ways of conceptualizing the act of translating and extending the boundaries of translation studies. Taken together, the various translational fictions examined in this collection yield new insights into questions of displacement, migration and hybridity, all characteristic of the modern world. 'The Fictions of Translation' will thus be of interest to practising translators, students and scholars of translation and literary studies, as well as a more general readership.
Доп.точки доступа:
Lane-Mercier, Gillian, (1956-)
Godbout, Patricia.
Ruschiensky, Carmen.
Woodsworth, Judith, \editor.\
DDC 418/.02
K 41
Key cultural texts in translation / / edited by Kirsten Malmkjaer, Adriana Serban, Fransiska Louwagie. - Amsterdam ; ; Philadelphia : : John Benjamins Publishing Company,, [2018]. - 1 online resource (xiv, 320 pages). : il. - (Benjamins translation library (BTL), ; volume 140). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/2B87093E-DA6B-46E2-8463-7A34F85C52BF. - ISBN 9789027264367 (electronic book). - ISBN 9027264368 (electronic book). - ISBN 9027200408. - ISBN 9789027200402
Online resource; title from digital title page (viewed on June 11, 2018).
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Key cultural texts in translation. - Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, [2018]. - ISBN 9789027200402
Intro; Key Cultural Texts in Translation; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Dedication page; Table of contents; About the contributors; Introduction: Key Cultural Texts in translation; References; Part I. Gender and identity; Chapter 1. Genos, sex, gender and genre; 1.; 2.; 3.; 4.; 5.; References; Chapter 2. Dancing through the waves of feminism: Martha Graham and Marie Chouinard as intersemiotic translators; 1. Introduction; 2. Martha Graham -- Rite of Spring; 3. Marie Chouinard -- Le Sacre du printemps; 4. Conclusion; References; Part II. Texts and politics.
Chapter 3. Bartolomé de Las Casas' Breve Relación de la Destrucción de Las Indias (Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies) (1552) in translation: The politics of linguistic and cultural appropriation1. Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies (1552); 2. The Spanish Colonie (1583); 3. Le miroir de la tyrannie Espagnole perpetrée aux Indes Occidentales (1620); 4. The Tears of the Indians (1656); 5. Conclusion; References.
Chapter 4. Have English translations of Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung, an icon of German culture, been affected by the changing relationship between Germany and Britain in the twentieth century?1. Performance and Translation History; 2. Wagner's Ring and anti-Semitism; 3. The translations -- pre WWI and post WW2: traces of anti-Semitism?; References; Chapter 5. Communicating change: Two contemporary Polish novels in translation into English; 1. Key Cultural Texts and the concept of change; 2. Mapping the journey; 3. Historical context: Poland after 1989; 4. Narratives of new Poland.
5. Words of the past6. Dialogue with tradition; 7. Educating Polish Queens; 8. Thugs will be thugs; 9. Conclusion; Bibliography; Part III. Texts and places; Chapter 6. Lithuanian literature in English: Two English translations of Romualdas Granauskas's short story "The Bread Eaters" (1975); 1. Introduction; 2. Romualdas Granauskas's "The Bread Eaters" and its two translations into English; 3. A corpus-based evaluation of the two English translations of "The Bread Eaters"; 4. Conclusions; References; Chapter 7. Woest of wild: Translating Yorkshire culture in Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights.
Introduction1. The Yorkshire setting in Wuthering Heights; 2. Yorkshire character in Joseph's dialect in Wuthering Heights; Conclusion; References; Chapter 8. Polish dance in Eugene Onegin: What can be found in translation; 1. Introductory remarks; 2. The legacy of Eugene Onegin in English; 3. The translators' vision of Eugene Onegin: What to bring to the reader; 4. What can be gained in translation: The metaphor of the Polish dance in Eugene Onegin; 5. Concluding remarks; References; Part IV. Occident and Orient.
~РУБ DDC 418/.02
Рубрики: Translating and interpreting.
Language and culture.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY--Multi-Language Phrasebooks.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES--Alphabets & Writing Systems.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES--Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES--Linguistics--General.
Language and culture.
Translating and interpreting.
Аннотация: In the context of increased movement across borders, this book examines how key cultural texts and concepts are transferred between nations and languages as well as across different media. The texts examined in this book are considered fundamental to their source culture and can also take on a particular relevance to other (target) cultures. The chapters investigate cultural transfers and differences realised through translation and reflect critically upon the implications of these with regard to matters of cultural identity. The book offers an important contribution to cultural approaches in translation studies, with ramifications across different disciplines, including literary studies, history, philosophy, and gender studies. The chapters offer a range of cultural and methodological frameworks and are written by scholars from a variety of language and cultural backgrounds, Western and Eastern.
Доп.точки доступа:
Malmkjær, Kirsten, \editor.\
Serban, Adriana, \editor.\
Louwagie, Fransiska, \editor.\
K 41
Key cultural texts in translation / / edited by Kirsten Malmkjaer, Adriana Serban, Fransiska Louwagie. - Amsterdam ; ; Philadelphia : : John Benjamins Publishing Company,, [2018]. - 1 online resource (xiv, 320 pages). : il. - (Benjamins translation library (BTL), ; volume 140). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/2B87093E-DA6B-46E2-8463-7A34F85C52BF. - ISBN 9789027264367 (electronic book). - ISBN 9027264368 (electronic book). - ISBN 9027200408. - ISBN 9789027200402
Online resource; title from digital title page (viewed on June 11, 2018).
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Key cultural texts in translation. - Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, [2018]. - ISBN 9789027200402
Intro; Key Cultural Texts in Translation; Editorial page; Title page; LCC data; Dedication page; Table of contents; About the contributors; Introduction: Key Cultural Texts in translation; References; Part I. Gender and identity; Chapter 1. Genos, sex, gender and genre; 1.; 2.; 3.; 4.; 5.; References; Chapter 2. Dancing through the waves of feminism: Martha Graham and Marie Chouinard as intersemiotic translators; 1. Introduction; 2. Martha Graham -- Rite of Spring; 3. Marie Chouinard -- Le Sacre du printemps; 4. Conclusion; References; Part II. Texts and politics.
Chapter 3. Bartolomé de Las Casas' Breve Relación de la Destrucción de Las Indias (Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies) (1552) in translation: The politics of linguistic and cultural appropriation1. Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies (1552); 2. The Spanish Colonie (1583); 3. Le miroir de la tyrannie Espagnole perpetrée aux Indes Occidentales (1620); 4. The Tears of the Indians (1656); 5. Conclusion; References.
Chapter 4. Have English translations of Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung, an icon of German culture, been affected by the changing relationship between Germany and Britain in the twentieth century?1. Performance and Translation History; 2. Wagner's Ring and anti-Semitism; 3. The translations -- pre WWI and post WW2: traces of anti-Semitism?; References; Chapter 5. Communicating change: Two contemporary Polish novels in translation into English; 1. Key Cultural Texts and the concept of change; 2. Mapping the journey; 3. Historical context: Poland after 1989; 4. Narratives of new Poland.
5. Words of the past6. Dialogue with tradition; 7. Educating Polish Queens; 8. Thugs will be thugs; 9. Conclusion; Bibliography; Part III. Texts and places; Chapter 6. Lithuanian literature in English: Two English translations of Romualdas Granauskas's short story "The Bread Eaters" (1975); 1. Introduction; 2. Romualdas Granauskas's "The Bread Eaters" and its two translations into English; 3. A corpus-based evaluation of the two English translations of "The Bread Eaters"; 4. Conclusions; References; Chapter 7. Woest of wild: Translating Yorkshire culture in Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights.
Introduction1. The Yorkshire setting in Wuthering Heights; 2. Yorkshire character in Joseph's dialect in Wuthering Heights; Conclusion; References; Chapter 8. Polish dance in Eugene Onegin: What can be found in translation; 1. Introductory remarks; 2. The legacy of Eugene Onegin in English; 3. The translators' vision of Eugene Onegin: What to bring to the reader; 4. What can be gained in translation: The metaphor of the Polish dance in Eugene Onegin; 5. Concluding remarks; References; Part IV. Occident and Orient.
Рубрики: Translating and interpreting.
Language and culture.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY--Multi-Language Phrasebooks.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES--Alphabets & Writing Systems.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES--Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES--Linguistics--General.
Language and culture.
Translating and interpreting.
Аннотация: In the context of increased movement across borders, this book examines how key cultural texts and concepts are transferred between nations and languages as well as across different media. The texts examined in this book are considered fundamental to their source culture and can also take on a particular relevance to other (target) cultures. The chapters investigate cultural transfers and differences realised through translation and reflect critically upon the implications of these with regard to matters of cultural identity. The book offers an important contribution to cultural approaches in translation studies, with ramifications across different disciplines, including literary studies, history, philosophy, and gender studies. The chapters offer a range of cultural and methodological frameworks and are written by scholars from a variety of language and cultural backgrounds, Western and Eastern.
Доп.точки доступа:
Malmkjær, Kirsten, \editor.\
Serban, Adriana, \editor.\
Louwagie, Fransiska, \editor.\
DDC 418/.020208
A 92
Audiovisual translation : : theoretical and methodological challenges / / edited by Yves Gambier, University of Turku & Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University ; Sara Ramos Pinto, University of Leeds. - Amsterdam ; ; Philadelphia : : John Benjamins Publishing Company,, [2018]. - 1 online resource. - (Benjamins current topics ; ; volume 95). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/A6D685D2-5C7D-465D-A9AC-5F1781CAEC3D. - ISBN 9789027263735 (e-book). - ISBN 9027263736
Originally published as a special issue of Target 28:2 (2016). Description based on print version record.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Audiovisual translation. - Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, [2018]. - ISBN 9789027201195
Descriptive translation studies of audiovisual translation: 21st-century issues, challenges and opportunities / Alexandra Assis Rosa -- Machine translation quality in an audiovisual context / Aljoscha Burchardt, Arle Lommel, Lindsay Bywood, Kim Harris and Maja Popovic -- The multimodal approach in audiovisual translation / Christopher Taylor -- Action research: So much to account for / Josélia Neves -- From Translation Studies and audiovisual translation to media accessibility: Some research trends / Aline Remael, Nina Reviers and Reinhild Vandekerckhove -- Imagined spectators: The importance of policy for audiovisual translation research / Carol O'Sullivan -- Psycholinguistics and audiovisual translation / Jan-Louis Kruger -- Cross-cultural pragmatics and audiovisual translation / Marie-Noëlle Guillot -- The importance of being relevant? A cognitive-pragmatic framework for conceptualising audiovisual translation / Sabine Braun -- The "engendering" approach in audiovisual translation / Marcella De Marco.
~РУБ DDC 418/.020208
Рубрики: Audio-visual translation.
Translating and interpreting--Technological innovations.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES--Translating & Interpreting.
Translating and interpreting.
Аннотация: "The exponential growth of Audiovisual Translation (AVT) in the last three decades has consolidated its place as an area of study within Translation Studies (TS). However, AVT is still a young domain currently exploring a number of different lines of inquiry without a specific methodological and theoretical framework. This volume discusses the advantages and drawbacks of ten approaches to AVT and highlights the potential avenues opened up by new methods. Our aim is to jumpstart the discussion on the (in)adequacy of the methodologies imported from other disciplines and the need (or not) for a conceptual apparatus and framework of analysis specific to AVT. This collective work relates to recent edited volumes that seek to take stock on research in AVT, but it distinguishes itself from those publications by promoting links in what is now a very fragmented field"--
Доп.точки доступа:
Gambier, Yves, (1949-) \editor.\
Pinto, Sara Ramos, \editor.\
A 92
Audiovisual translation : : theoretical and methodological challenges / / edited by Yves Gambier, University of Turku & Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University ; Sara Ramos Pinto, University of Leeds. - Amsterdam ; ; Philadelphia : : John Benjamins Publishing Company,, [2018]. - 1 online resource. - (Benjamins current topics ; ; volume 95). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/A6D685D2-5C7D-465D-A9AC-5F1781CAEC3D. - ISBN 9789027263735 (e-book). - ISBN 9027263736
Originally published as a special issue of Target 28:2 (2016). Description based on print version record.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Audiovisual translation. - Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, [2018]. - ISBN 9789027201195
Descriptive translation studies of audiovisual translation: 21st-century issues, challenges and opportunities / Alexandra Assis Rosa -- Machine translation quality in an audiovisual context / Aljoscha Burchardt, Arle Lommel, Lindsay Bywood, Kim Harris and Maja Popovic -- The multimodal approach in audiovisual translation / Christopher Taylor -- Action research: So much to account for / Josélia Neves -- From Translation Studies and audiovisual translation to media accessibility: Some research trends / Aline Remael, Nina Reviers and Reinhild Vandekerckhove -- Imagined spectators: The importance of policy for audiovisual translation research / Carol O'Sullivan -- Psycholinguistics and audiovisual translation / Jan-Louis Kruger -- Cross-cultural pragmatics and audiovisual translation / Marie-Noëlle Guillot -- The importance of being relevant? A cognitive-pragmatic framework for conceptualising audiovisual translation / Sabine Braun -- The "engendering" approach in audiovisual translation / Marcella De Marco.
Рубрики: Audio-visual translation.
Translating and interpreting--Technological innovations.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES--Translating & Interpreting.
Translating and interpreting.
Аннотация: "The exponential growth of Audiovisual Translation (AVT) in the last three decades has consolidated its place as an area of study within Translation Studies (TS). However, AVT is still a young domain currently exploring a number of different lines of inquiry without a specific methodological and theoretical framework. This volume discusses the advantages and drawbacks of ten approaches to AVT and highlights the potential avenues opened up by new methods. Our aim is to jumpstart the discussion on the (in)adequacy of the methodologies imported from other disciplines and the need (or not) for a conceptual apparatus and framework of analysis specific to AVT. This collective work relates to recent edited volumes that seek to take stock on research in AVT, but it distinguishes itself from those publications by promoting links in what is now a very fragmented field"--
Доп.точки доступа:
Gambier, Yves, (1949-) \editor.\
Pinto, Sara Ramos, \editor.\
DDC 418/.0209
A 10
A history of modern translation knowledge : : sources, concepts, effects / / edited by Lieven D'hulst, Yves Gambier. - Amsterdam ; ; Philadelphia : : John Benjamins Publishing Company,, [2018]. - 1 online resource. - (Benjamins translation library (BTL) ; ; volume 142). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/2DC22D51-BAB3-4956-8E22-E3A3003063F2. - ISBN 9789027263872 (pdf). - ISBN 9027263876
Description based on print version record and CIP data provided by publisher; resource not viewed.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : History of modern translation knowledge. - Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, [2018]. - ISBN 9789027200990
Concepts of translation / Yves Gambier -- Tropes (Metaphor, Metonymy) / James St. André -- Biblical myths / Claire Placial -- Fictional representations / Klaus Kaindl -- The sacred and taboo / Douglas Robinson -- The modern regime of translation and its politics / Naoki Sakai -- Translation and adjacent concepts / Rita Bueno Maia, Hanna Pieta and Alexandra Assis Rosa -- Expansions / John Ødemark and Eivind Engebretsen -- Semiotics / Ubaldo Stecconi -- Rhetoric / Ubaldo Stecconi -- Print history / Norbert Bachleitner -- Technology / Deborah A. Folaron -- Bibliometric tools: Evaluation, mapping, research funding / Sara Rovira-Esteva and Javier Franco Aixelà -- Localisation / Keiran J. Dunne -- Circulation and spread of knowledge / Deborah A. Folaron -- Transfer modes / Lieven D'hulst -- Turns / Mary Snell-Hornby -- The history of internationalization in translation studies and its impact on translation theory / Maria Tymoczko -- Eurocentrism / Luc van Doorslaer -- Globalisation / Michael Cronin -- Institutionalization of translation studies / Yves Gambier -- Universal languages / Karen Bennett -- Forms and formats of dissemination of translation knowledge / Alexandra Assis Rosa -- Translation politics and policies / Reine Meylaerts -- History of reception: Censorship / Denise Merkle -- Temporality / Christopher Rundle -- Archives / Pekka Kujamäki -- Microhistory / Judy Wakabayashi -- Comparative history / Roberto A. Valdeón -- Connected history and histoire croisée / Judy Wakabayashi -- Oral history / Julie McDonough Dolmaya -- Memory studies / Angela Kershaw -- Counterfactual history / Lieven D'hulst -- Translated texts/paratext / Sehnaz Tahir Gürçaglar -- Process research / Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow -- Translation analysis / Jeremy Munday -- Hermeneutics / Bernd Stefanink and Ioana Balacescu -- Deconstruction / Kaisa Koskinen -- Localism / Mirella Agorni -- Ethnography / Peter Flynn -- Translation zones/spaces / Sherry Simon -- Sociological models and translation history / Hélène Buzelin -- Feminism, gender, and translation / Luise von Flotow -- Linguistics / Sonia Vandepitte, Lieve Jooken, Robert M. Maier and Binghan Zheng -- Literary research / Dirk Delabastita -- Communication studies / Jens Loenhoff -- Cognitive research / Gregory Shreve -- History of translation knowledge of monotheistic religions with written tradition / Jacobus A. Naudé -- Legal history / Valérie Dullion -- Political history / Susan Pickford -- Language learning / Sara Laviosa -- Training / Amparo Hurtado Albir -- Research schools: The example of the UK / Susan Bassnett -- Assessment / Claudia V. Angelelli -- Translation ethics / Andrew Chesterman.
~РУБ DDC 418/.0209
Рубрики: Translating and interpreting.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Multi-Language Phrasebooks.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Alphabets & Writing Systems.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General.
Translating and interpreting.
Аннотация: "A History of Modern Translation Knowledge is the first attempt to map the coming into being of modern thinking about translation. It breaks with the well-established tradition of viewing history through the reductive lens of schools, theories, turns or interdisciplinary exchanges. It also challenges the artificial distinction between past and present and it sustains that the latter's historical roots go back far beyond the 1970s. Translation Studies is but part of a broader set of discourses on translation we propose to label "translation knowledge". This book concentrates on seven processes that make up the history of modern translation knowledge: generating, mapping, internationalising, historicising, analysing, disseminating and applying knowledge. All processes are covered by 58 domain experts and allocated over 55 chapters, with cross-references. This book is indispensable reading for advanced Master- and PhD-students in Translation Studies who need background information on the history of their field, with relevance for Europe, the Americas and large parts of Asia. It will also interest students and scholars working in cultural and social history"--
Доп.точки доступа:
Hulst, Lieven d', \editor.\
Gambier, Yves, (1949-) \editor.\
A 10
A history of modern translation knowledge : : sources, concepts, effects / / edited by Lieven D'hulst, Yves Gambier. - Amsterdam ; ; Philadelphia : : John Benjamins Publishing Company,, [2018]. - 1 online resource. - (Benjamins translation library (BTL) ; ; volume 142). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/2DC22D51-BAB3-4956-8E22-E3A3003063F2. - ISBN 9789027263872 (pdf). - ISBN 9027263876
Description based on print version record and CIP data provided by publisher; resource not viewed.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : History of modern translation knowledge. - Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, [2018]. - ISBN 9789027200990
Concepts of translation / Yves Gambier -- Tropes (Metaphor, Metonymy) / James St. André -- Biblical myths / Claire Placial -- Fictional representations / Klaus Kaindl -- The sacred and taboo / Douglas Robinson -- The modern regime of translation and its politics / Naoki Sakai -- Translation and adjacent concepts / Rita Bueno Maia, Hanna Pieta and Alexandra Assis Rosa -- Expansions / John Ødemark and Eivind Engebretsen -- Semiotics / Ubaldo Stecconi -- Rhetoric / Ubaldo Stecconi -- Print history / Norbert Bachleitner -- Technology / Deborah A. Folaron -- Bibliometric tools: Evaluation, mapping, research funding / Sara Rovira-Esteva and Javier Franco Aixelà -- Localisation / Keiran J. Dunne -- Circulation and spread of knowledge / Deborah A. Folaron -- Transfer modes / Lieven D'hulst -- Turns / Mary Snell-Hornby -- The history of internationalization in translation studies and its impact on translation theory / Maria Tymoczko -- Eurocentrism / Luc van Doorslaer -- Globalisation / Michael Cronin -- Institutionalization of translation studies / Yves Gambier -- Universal languages / Karen Bennett -- Forms and formats of dissemination of translation knowledge / Alexandra Assis Rosa -- Translation politics and policies / Reine Meylaerts -- History of reception: Censorship / Denise Merkle -- Temporality / Christopher Rundle -- Archives / Pekka Kujamäki -- Microhistory / Judy Wakabayashi -- Comparative history / Roberto A. Valdeón -- Connected history and histoire croisée / Judy Wakabayashi -- Oral history / Julie McDonough Dolmaya -- Memory studies / Angela Kershaw -- Counterfactual history / Lieven D'hulst -- Translated texts/paratext / Sehnaz Tahir Gürçaglar -- Process research / Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow -- Translation analysis / Jeremy Munday -- Hermeneutics / Bernd Stefanink and Ioana Balacescu -- Deconstruction / Kaisa Koskinen -- Localism / Mirella Agorni -- Ethnography / Peter Flynn -- Translation zones/spaces / Sherry Simon -- Sociological models and translation history / Hélène Buzelin -- Feminism, gender, and translation / Luise von Flotow -- Linguistics / Sonia Vandepitte, Lieve Jooken, Robert M. Maier and Binghan Zheng -- Literary research / Dirk Delabastita -- Communication studies / Jens Loenhoff -- Cognitive research / Gregory Shreve -- History of translation knowledge of monotheistic religions with written tradition / Jacobus A. Naudé -- Legal history / Valérie Dullion -- Political history / Susan Pickford -- Language learning / Sara Laviosa -- Training / Amparo Hurtado Albir -- Research schools: The example of the UK / Susan Bassnett -- Assessment / Claudia V. Angelelli -- Translation ethics / Andrew Chesterman.
Рубрики: Translating and interpreting.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Multi-Language Phrasebooks.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Alphabets & Writing Systems.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General.
Translating and interpreting.
Аннотация: "A History of Modern Translation Knowledge is the first attempt to map the coming into being of modern thinking about translation. It breaks with the well-established tradition of viewing history through the reductive lens of schools, theories, turns or interdisciplinary exchanges. It also challenges the artificial distinction between past and present and it sustains that the latter's historical roots go back far beyond the 1970s. Translation Studies is but part of a broader set of discourses on translation we propose to label "translation knowledge". This book concentrates on seven processes that make up the history of modern translation knowledge: generating, mapping, internationalising, historicising, analysing, disseminating and applying knowledge. All processes are covered by 58 domain experts and allocated over 55 chapters, with cross-references. This book is indispensable reading for advanced Master- and PhD-students in Translation Studies who need background information on the history of their field, with relevance for Europe, the Americas and large parts of Asia. It will also interest students and scholars working in cultural and social history"--
Доп.точки доступа:
Hulst, Lieven d', \editor.\
Gambier, Yves, (1949-) \editor.\
DDC 418.02
B 97
Business and institutional translation : : new insights and reflections / / edited by Éric Poirier and Daniel Gallego-Hernández. - Newcastle upon Tyne : : Cambridge Scholars Publishing,, ©2018. - 1 online resource (xiii, 240 pages) : : il. - 8 English, 3 French, and 3 Spanish contributions. - Includes bibliographical references. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/CBA0408A-00DC-4ED8-B8C7-16B4F462DE66. - ISBN 9781527521421 (electronic bk.). - ISBN 1527521427 (electronic bk.)
Print version record.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Business and institutional translation. - Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. - ISBN 1527507602
~РУБ DDC 418.02
Рубрики: Translating and interpreting.
Communication of technical information.
Business communication.
Business communication.
Communication of technical information.
Translating and interpreting.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Multi-Language Phrasebooks
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Alphabets & Writing Systems
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Grammar & Punctuation
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General
Доп.точки доступа:
Poirier, Éric, (1965-) \editor.\
Gallego-Hernández, Daniel, \editor.\
B 97
Business and institutional translation : : new insights and reflections / / edited by Éric Poirier and Daniel Gallego-Hernández. - Newcastle upon Tyne : : Cambridge Scholars Publishing,, ©2018. - 1 online resource (xiii, 240 pages) : : il. - 8 English, 3 French, and 3 Spanish contributions. - Includes bibliographical references. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/CBA0408A-00DC-4ED8-B8C7-16B4F462DE66. - ISBN 9781527521421 (electronic bk.). - ISBN 1527521427 (electronic bk.)
Print version record.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Business and institutional translation. - Newcastle upon Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018. - ISBN 1527507602
Рубрики: Translating and interpreting.
Communication of technical information.
Business communication.
Business communication.
Communication of technical information.
Translating and interpreting.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Multi-Language Phrasebooks
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Alphabets & Writing Systems
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Grammar & Punctuation
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General
Доп.точки доступа:
Poirier, Éric, (1965-) \editor.\
Gallego-Hernández, Daniel, \editor.\
DDC 418/.02
M 37
Masiola Rosini, Rosini, Rosanna,.
Interjections, translation, and translanguaging : : cross-cultural and multimodal perspectives / / Rosanna Masiola. - Lanham, Md. : : Lexington Books,, [2019]. - 1 online resource. - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/5D80F5C9-BFB8-4692-BDF2-7C9B384D14EF. - ISBN 1498574653. - ISBN 9781498574655 (electronic bk.)
Description based on print version record and CIP data provided by publisher; resource not viewed.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Masiola Rosini, Rosanna, author. Interjections, translation, and translanguaging. - Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, [2019]. - ISBN 9781498574648
Acknowledgments -- 1. Perspectives on interjection and translation -- 2. Children's books: The classics, folk tales and sequentials -- 3. Multimedia adaptation: From oral epics to cartoons -- 4. Yiddish, Yinglish and Italian American: Translanguaging -- Bibliography -- Index -- About the author.
~РУБ DDC 418/.02
Рубрики: Grammar, Comparative and general--Interjections.
Translating and interpreting.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Multi-Language Phrasebooks
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Alphabets & Writing Systems
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Grammar & Punctuation
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General
M 37
Masiola Rosini, Rosini, Rosanna,.
Interjections, translation, and translanguaging : : cross-cultural and multimodal perspectives / / Rosanna Masiola. - Lanham, Md. : : Lexington Books,, [2019]. - 1 online resource. - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/5D80F5C9-BFB8-4692-BDF2-7C9B384D14EF. - ISBN 1498574653. - ISBN 9781498574655 (electronic bk.)
Description based on print version record and CIP data provided by publisher; resource not viewed.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Masiola Rosini, Rosanna, author. Interjections, translation, and translanguaging. - Lanham, Md. : Lexington Books, [2019]. - ISBN 9781498574648
Acknowledgments -- 1. Perspectives on interjection and translation -- 2. Children's books: The classics, folk tales and sequentials -- 3. Multimedia adaptation: From oral epics to cartoons -- 4. Yiddish, Yinglish and Italian American: Translanguaging -- Bibliography -- Index -- About the author.
Рубрики: Grammar, Comparative and general--Interjections.
Translating and interpreting.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / Multi-Language Phrasebooks
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Alphabets & Writing Systems
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Grammar & Punctuation
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / General
DDC 418.02
M 61
Metaphor and translation / / edited by Richard Trim and Dorota Śliwa. - Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK : : Cambridge Scholars Publisher,, 2019. - 1 online resource (274 pages). - Includes bibliographical references. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/7D607CFA-B986-4EE6-8095-D48DCEB1657E. - ISBN 152754172X. - ISBN 9781527541726 (electronic bk.)
Print version record.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Trim, Richard. Metaphor and Translation. - Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publisher, ©2019. - ISBN 9781527537491
~РУБ DDC 418.02
Рубрики: Translating and interpreting.
Аннотация: This volume brings together the ideas put forward at an international conference on Metaphor and Translation held at the University of Toulon, France, in June 2017. The bilingual nature of the contributions here provides an insight into recent linguistic theories from both the English- and French-speaking worlds. This diversified approach is further enhanced by contributors being based in a large number of countries worldwide and working on different language combinations. The kinds of problem areas investigated here include a wide range of themes. They cover aspects ranging from methodological.
Доп.точки доступа:
Trim, Richard, (1950-) \editor.\
Śliwa, Dorota, \editor.\
M 61
Metaphor and translation / / edited by Richard Trim and Dorota Śliwa. - Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK : : Cambridge Scholars Publisher,, 2019. - 1 online resource (274 pages). - Includes bibliographical references. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/7D607CFA-B986-4EE6-8095-D48DCEB1657E. - ISBN 152754172X. - ISBN 9781527541726 (electronic bk.)
Print version record.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Trim, Richard. Metaphor and Translation. - Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Cambridge Scholars Publisher, ©2019. - ISBN 9781527537491
Рубрики: Translating and interpreting.
Аннотация: This volume brings together the ideas put forward at an international conference on Metaphor and Translation held at the University of Toulon, France, in June 2017. The bilingual nature of the contributions here provides an insight into recent linguistic theories from both the English- and French-speaking worlds. This diversified approach is further enhanced by contributors being based in a large number of countries worldwide and working on different language combinations. The kinds of problem areas investigated here include a wide range of themes. They cover aspects ranging from methodological.
Доп.точки доступа:
Trim, Richard, (1950-) \editor.\
Śliwa, Dorota, \editor.\
DDC 428.2
P 70
Pius ten Hacken, ten Hacken, RenÃita PanocovÃi.
Word Formation and Transparency in Medical English. / ten Hacken, RenÃita PanocovÃi. Pius ten Hacken. - [Б. м.] : Cambridge Scholars Publishing,, 2015. - 1 online resource. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/50D22314-452F-45ED-AD8C-A2884B4C3621. - ISBN 1443885096 (electronic bk.). - ISBN 9781443885096 (electronic bk.)
Print version record.
~РУБ DDC 428.2
Рубрики: Medicine--Terminology.
Medical sciences
Translating and interpreting.
Language and languages.
Terminology as Topic
Concept Formation
Sciences de la santé
Langage et langues.
languages (study discipline)
Medical sciences.
Аннотация: As a side effect of the rapid progress in medical research and of the emergence of new medical conditions, medicine is a domain where new concepts have to be named more frequently than in many other domains. Because of the prominent position of English in medical research, most of these concepts are first named in English. This raises questions relating to the naming strategies adopted and the consequences of the choice of particular strategies. These consequences are not restricted to English, because the English terms often need to be translated and are sometimes borrowed.This volume consist.
P 70
Pius ten Hacken, ten Hacken, RenÃita PanocovÃi.
Word Formation and Transparency in Medical English. / ten Hacken, RenÃita PanocovÃi. Pius ten Hacken. - [Б. м.] : Cambridge Scholars Publishing,, 2015. - 1 online resource. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/50D22314-452F-45ED-AD8C-A2884B4C3621. - ISBN 1443885096 (electronic bk.). - ISBN 9781443885096 (electronic bk.)
Print version record.
Рубрики: Medicine--Terminology.
Medical sciences
Translating and interpreting.
Language and languages.
Terminology as Topic
Concept Formation
Sciences de la santé
Langage et langues.
languages (study discipline)
Medical sciences.
Аннотация: As a side effect of the rapid progress in medical research and of the emergence of new medical conditions, medicine is a domain where new concepts have to be named more frequently than in many other domains. Because of the prominent position of English in medical research, most of these concepts are first named in English. This raises questions relating to the naming strategies adopted and the consequences of the choice of particular strategies. These consequences are not restricted to English, because the English terms often need to be translated and are sometimes borrowed.This volume consist.
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