Creation principals of universal modeling environment for simulation application development/Девятков, В.В.


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Девятков, В. В.
    Creation principals of universal modeling environment for simulation application development [Текст] : Материалы конференций / В.В. Девятков. - 1. - [Б. м. : б. и.]. - 6 с.

ББК 3297

Рубрики: Информатика. Вычислительная техника

Аннотация: The structure principles of the universal modeling environment and it's means of differentsimulation application arrangement are described in the report. There are examples of environment usageaccording to separate application realization. The perspective of it's development is shown.

Доп.точки доступа:
Власов, С.А.
Девятков, Т.В.

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