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DDC 781.5/92
S 72
Songs of social protest : : international perspectives / / edited by Aileen Dillane, Martin J. Power, Eoin Devereux and Amanda Haynes. - London ; ; New York : : Rowman & Littlefield International,, [2018]. - 1 online resource (x, 672 pages). : il. - (Protest, media and culture). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/A5FDF625-445E-4397-9EBD-BED994A67FA4. - ISBN 9781786601278 (electronic book). - ISBN 1786601273 (electronic book)
Description based on online resource; title from digital title page (viewed on October 17, 2019).
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Songs of social protest. - London ; New York : Rowman & Littlefield International, [2018]. - ISBN 9781786601254
Cover; Songs of Social Protest; Series page; Songs of Social Protest: International Perspectives; Copyright page; Contents; Foreword; Introduction; Protest and the African American Experience; Chapter 1; Social Protest and Resistance in African American Song; The Oral Tradition; Language; Georgia Sea Island Singers; From Jim Crow to the Civil Rights Movement; Conclusions; Notes; Chapter 2; "You'll Never Hear Kumbaya the Same Way Again"; Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel?; Come By Hyar; Which Side Are You On?; Singing Their Freedom; The Kumbaya Law; Black Liberation Then and Now
Taking Back "the real Kumbaya"Notes; Chapter 3; Billie Holiday's Popular Front Songs of Protest; "Strange Fruit," Café Society and the Left; "High Art" From Below; "Strange Fruit" for Billie Holiday; God Bless the Child; Race, Class, and the Musician as Organic Intellectual; Conclusion; Notes; Protest Genealogies; Chapter 4; Songs of Social Protest, Then and Now; Sociology and Music; Songs and Protest; Charismatic Leaders and the Transformation of Folk Songs; Social Movements; Popular Music as Protest Music; Conclusion; Note; Chapter 5; Pete Seeger and the Politics of Participation
The Road to a Constructionist ApproachRethinking "Political Music"; Audience Participation as Democratic Practice; Theorizing Audience Participation; Adorno Redux; Notes; Chapter 6; The Radicalisation of Phil Ochs, the Radicalisation of the Sixties; The Birth of a Radical; Reform, Resistance, Revolution; Radical Reform and Civil Rights; Student Power and Resistance; Goodbye to All That Liberalism; The Ringing of Revolution; Conclusion; Chapter 7; Ewan MacColl's Radio Ballads as Songs of Social Protest; Ewan MacColl: from dramatist to songwriter; The Radio Ballad concept
John Axon and the poetry of everyday speechWork and identity; Tape editing and heteroglossia; Against pop culture: On the Edge (1963); Conclusion; Notes; Chapter 8; 'Message Songs are a Drag'; Notes; Transforming Traditions; Chapter 9; Expressions of Māʻohi-ness in Contemporary Tahitian Popular Music; Expressions of Political and Social Protest in Tahiti; The Māʻohi Cultural Identity; The Tahitian Musical Landscape; Henri Hiro and his Intellectual Descendants; Orality; ʻAparima, Literature and Traditional Arts; Bobby Holcomb; Aldo Raveino; The Emergence of a new Generation of Musicians
NotesChapter 10; Casteism and Cultural Capital; Religious Songs as Social Songs; Songs of Mysticism; Songs of Devotion; Devotion as Obedience; Spiritual Autonomy; Moral Transformation as Societal Transformation; Dietary Abstinence and "Sanskritization"; Purity as Resistance; The Reformation of a Criminal Caste; Rediscovering "Roots"; Conclusion; Notes; Chapter 11; Singing Against the Empire; Licentiousness, Power and Possibility: Understanding the Anti-structure of Song; Máire Bhuí Ní Laeire (Yellow Mary O'Leary) and Singing Anti-colonial Discourse in Nineteenth-century Ireland
~РУБ DDC 781.5/92
Рубрики: Protest songs--History and criticism.
Music--Political aspects.
Music--Political aspects.
Protest songs.
MUSIC / Instruction & Study / Theory
Аннотация: Songs of Social Protest is a comprehensive, cutting-edge companion guide to music and social protest globally. Bringing together established and emerging scholars from a range of fields, it explores a wide range of examples of, and contexts for, songs and their performance that have been deployed as part of local, regional and global social protest movements.
Доп.точки доступа:
Dillane, Aileen, \editor.\
Power, Martin J., \editor.\
Devereux, Eoin, \editor.\
Haynes, Amanda, \editor.\
S 72
Songs of social protest : : international perspectives / / edited by Aileen Dillane, Martin J. Power, Eoin Devereux and Amanda Haynes. - London ; ; New York : : Rowman & Littlefield International,, [2018]. - 1 online resource (x, 672 pages). : il. - (Protest, media and culture). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/A5FDF625-445E-4397-9EBD-BED994A67FA4. - ISBN 9781786601278 (electronic book). - ISBN 1786601273 (electronic book)
Description based on online resource; title from digital title page (viewed on October 17, 2019).
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Songs of social protest. - London ; New York : Rowman & Littlefield International, [2018]. - ISBN 9781786601254
Cover; Songs of Social Protest; Series page; Songs of Social Protest: International Perspectives; Copyright page; Contents; Foreword; Introduction; Protest and the African American Experience; Chapter 1; Social Protest and Resistance in African American Song; The Oral Tradition; Language; Georgia Sea Island Singers; From Jim Crow to the Civil Rights Movement; Conclusions; Notes; Chapter 2; "You'll Never Hear Kumbaya the Same Way Again"; Didn't My Lord Deliver Daniel?; Come By Hyar; Which Side Are You On?; Singing Their Freedom; The Kumbaya Law; Black Liberation Then and Now
Taking Back "the real Kumbaya"Notes; Chapter 3; Billie Holiday's Popular Front Songs of Protest; "Strange Fruit," Café Society and the Left; "High Art" From Below; "Strange Fruit" for Billie Holiday; God Bless the Child; Race, Class, and the Musician as Organic Intellectual; Conclusion; Notes; Protest Genealogies; Chapter 4; Songs of Social Protest, Then and Now; Sociology and Music; Songs and Protest; Charismatic Leaders and the Transformation of Folk Songs; Social Movements; Popular Music as Protest Music; Conclusion; Note; Chapter 5; Pete Seeger and the Politics of Participation
The Road to a Constructionist ApproachRethinking "Political Music"; Audience Participation as Democratic Practice; Theorizing Audience Participation; Adorno Redux; Notes; Chapter 6; The Radicalisation of Phil Ochs, the Radicalisation of the Sixties; The Birth of a Radical; Reform, Resistance, Revolution; Radical Reform and Civil Rights; Student Power and Resistance; Goodbye to All That Liberalism; The Ringing of Revolution; Conclusion; Chapter 7; Ewan MacColl's Radio Ballads as Songs of Social Protest; Ewan MacColl: from dramatist to songwriter; The Radio Ballad concept
John Axon and the poetry of everyday speechWork and identity; Tape editing and heteroglossia; Against pop culture: On the Edge (1963); Conclusion; Notes; Chapter 8; 'Message Songs are a Drag'; Notes; Transforming Traditions; Chapter 9; Expressions of Māʻohi-ness in Contemporary Tahitian Popular Music; Expressions of Political and Social Protest in Tahiti; The Māʻohi Cultural Identity; The Tahitian Musical Landscape; Henri Hiro and his Intellectual Descendants; Orality; ʻAparima, Literature and Traditional Arts; Bobby Holcomb; Aldo Raveino; The Emergence of a new Generation of Musicians
NotesChapter 10; Casteism and Cultural Capital; Religious Songs as Social Songs; Songs of Mysticism; Songs of Devotion; Devotion as Obedience; Spiritual Autonomy; Moral Transformation as Societal Transformation; Dietary Abstinence and "Sanskritization"; Purity as Resistance; The Reformation of a Criminal Caste; Rediscovering "Roots"; Conclusion; Notes; Chapter 11; Singing Against the Empire; Licentiousness, Power and Possibility: Understanding the Anti-structure of Song; Máire Bhuí Ní Laeire (Yellow Mary O'Leary) and Singing Anti-colonial Discourse in Nineteenth-century Ireland
Рубрики: Protest songs--History and criticism.
Music--Political aspects.
Music--Political aspects.
Protest songs.
MUSIC / Instruction & Study / Theory
Аннотация: Songs of Social Protest is a comprehensive, cutting-edge companion guide to music and social protest globally. Bringing together established and emerging scholars from a range of fields, it explores a wide range of examples of, and contexts for, songs and their performance that have been deployed as part of local, regional and global social protest movements.
Доп.точки доступа:
Dillane, Aileen, \editor.\
Power, Martin J., \editor.\
Devereux, Eoin, \editor.\
Haynes, Amanda, \editor.\
DDC 840.9/95
K 19
Kang, Mathilde,.
Francophonie en Orient : : Aux Croisements France-Asie (1840-1940) / / Mathilde Kang. - Amsterdam : : Amsterdam University Press,, 2018. - 1 online resource (220 pages). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/76BBCCFD-EEFC-40DC-81A6-5E7EFCF97ACE. - ISBN 9789462985148 (electronic bk.). - ISBN 9462985146 (electronic bk.). - ISBN 9789048536177 (electronic bk.). - ISBN 9048536170 (electronic bk.)
Cover; Table des matières; Introduction; Plaidoyer pour une francophonie de cohabitation; Quelques rappels historiques; L'orientation des études francophones; La difficulté d'une définition standard; Le transculturel comme méthodologie; La Francophonie en Orient ou en Asie ?; Francophone de souche vs. francophone de culture; Littérature francophone vs. littérature non-francophone; Délimitations du corpus; Le plan d'ensemble; I. La France aux portes de Cathay; 1 Macao et Canton : les premiers accotements européens; Les missions catholiques comme pierre de touche
La première ligne maritime Europe-AsieCanton, la relève de Pondichéry; L'esquisse des Concessions; Le début de l'Empire oriental français; 2 Les rapports intrinsèques Chine-Indochine; L'Indochine comme tremplin et les préparatifs; La ligne maritime France-Chine-Indochine; La Chine comme base arrière de l'Indochine; 3 Les ramifications de la présence française; La présence française au Japon; La présence française en Corée; Existe-t-il une francophonie en Orient ?; II. L'affirmation de la présence française en Asie; 1 Le « Paris de l'Orient »; La ligne France-Shanghai
Le prosélytisme chrétien à ShanghaiL'Empire français dans l'Empire du Milieu; Les emblèmes d'une culture de cohabitation; Le commerce français à Shanghai; Shanghai : une ville métisse; L'implantation de l'Université Aurore; L'apport des élites laïques; Shanghai : une ville des Blancs; 2 Guangzhouwan : la colonie des colonies; La découverte du lieu; La cessation de Guangzhouwan; La gestion du lieu et les conditions de la francophonie; Le français comme langue officielle; 3 Les modes de colonisation en Asie; La concession, un modèle colonial délesté; La perte de souveraineté comme marqueur
Macao : du comptoir à la colonie classiqueL'Asie, une francophonie de cohabitation; III. L'essaimage français : le cas de la Chine; 1 Genèse des premiers Francophones en Asie; Les premières pénétrations de la culture française; Les conditions d'émergence du milieu francophone; Le mouvement Travail-Études; La circulation des livres français en Asie; Le monde ecclésiastique : un filon majeur; Quelques maisons à Shanghai; Les maisons laïques; 2 Les manifestations francophones; Les premières traductions d'œuvres françaises; L'horizon d'un lectorat de cohabitation
Liang Zongdai et Shenchen : les repères de la francophonie chinoiseJing Yinyu : une étoile éteinte de la francophonie chinoise; Chen Jitong : le premier diplomate francophone; 3 Les gestations d'une littérature de cohabitation; Le Japon comme tremplin et intermédiaire; L'ère de la littérature traduite; La Nouvelle littérature de cohabitation; IV. Naissance de la littérature de cohabitation; 1 Littérature coloniale vs. littérature de cohabitation; La littérature de cohabitation : un nouveau paradigme; Qu'est-ce que la littérature de cohabitation ?
~РУБ DDC 840.9/95
Рубрики: Oriental literature (French)--History and criticism.
French literature--History and criticism.--Orient
French literature--History and criticism.--Asia
French literature--History and criticism.--Foreign countries
French literature--History and criticism.--French-speaking countries
French language--Orient.
French language--Asia.
French literature--History and criticism.--Orient
French literature--History and criticism.--French-speaking countries
Аннотация: This book offers a pioneering study of Asian cultures that officially escaped from French colonization but nonetheless were steeped in French civilization in the colonial era and had heavily French-influenced, largely francophone literatures. It raises a number of provocative questions, including whether colonization is the ultimate requirement for a culture's being defined as francophone, or how to think about francophone literatures that emerge from Asian nations that were historically free from French domination. The ultimate result is a redefining of the Asian francophone heritage according to new, transnational paradigms.
K 19
Kang, Mathilde,.
Francophonie en Orient : : Aux Croisements France-Asie (1840-1940) / / Mathilde Kang. - Amsterdam : : Amsterdam University Press,, 2018. - 1 online resource (220 pages). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/76BBCCFD-EEFC-40DC-81A6-5E7EFCF97ACE. - ISBN 9789462985148 (electronic bk.). - ISBN 9462985146 (electronic bk.). - ISBN 9789048536177 (electronic bk.). - ISBN 9048536170 (electronic bk.)
Cover; Table des matières; Introduction; Plaidoyer pour une francophonie de cohabitation; Quelques rappels historiques; L'orientation des études francophones; La difficulté d'une définition standard; Le transculturel comme méthodologie; La Francophonie en Orient ou en Asie ?; Francophone de souche vs. francophone de culture; Littérature francophone vs. littérature non-francophone; Délimitations du corpus; Le plan d'ensemble; I. La France aux portes de Cathay; 1 Macao et Canton : les premiers accotements européens; Les missions catholiques comme pierre de touche
La première ligne maritime Europe-AsieCanton, la relève de Pondichéry; L'esquisse des Concessions; Le début de l'Empire oriental français; 2 Les rapports intrinsèques Chine-Indochine; L'Indochine comme tremplin et les préparatifs; La ligne maritime France-Chine-Indochine; La Chine comme base arrière de l'Indochine; 3 Les ramifications de la présence française; La présence française au Japon; La présence française en Corée; Existe-t-il une francophonie en Orient ?; II. L'affirmation de la présence française en Asie; 1 Le « Paris de l'Orient »; La ligne France-Shanghai
Le prosélytisme chrétien à ShanghaiL'Empire français dans l'Empire du Milieu; Les emblèmes d'une culture de cohabitation; Le commerce français à Shanghai; Shanghai : une ville métisse; L'implantation de l'Université Aurore; L'apport des élites laïques; Shanghai : une ville des Blancs; 2 Guangzhouwan : la colonie des colonies; La découverte du lieu; La cessation de Guangzhouwan; La gestion du lieu et les conditions de la francophonie; Le français comme langue officielle; 3 Les modes de colonisation en Asie; La concession, un modèle colonial délesté; La perte de souveraineté comme marqueur
Macao : du comptoir à la colonie classiqueL'Asie, une francophonie de cohabitation; III. L'essaimage français : le cas de la Chine; 1 Genèse des premiers Francophones en Asie; Les premières pénétrations de la culture française; Les conditions d'émergence du milieu francophone; Le mouvement Travail-Études; La circulation des livres français en Asie; Le monde ecclésiastique : un filon majeur; Quelques maisons à Shanghai; Les maisons laïques; 2 Les manifestations francophones; Les premières traductions d'œuvres françaises; L'horizon d'un lectorat de cohabitation
Liang Zongdai et Shenchen : les repères de la francophonie chinoiseJing Yinyu : une étoile éteinte de la francophonie chinoise; Chen Jitong : le premier diplomate francophone; 3 Les gestations d'une littérature de cohabitation; Le Japon comme tremplin et intermédiaire; L'ère de la littérature traduite; La Nouvelle littérature de cohabitation; IV. Naissance de la littérature de cohabitation; 1 Littérature coloniale vs. littérature de cohabitation; La littérature de cohabitation : un nouveau paradigme; Qu'est-ce que la littérature de cohabitation ?
Рубрики: Oriental literature (French)--History and criticism.
French literature--History and criticism.--Orient
French literature--History and criticism.--Asia
French literature--History and criticism.--Foreign countries
French literature--History and criticism.--French-speaking countries
French language--Orient.
French language--Asia.
French literature--History and criticism.--Orient
French literature--History and criticism.--French-speaking countries
Аннотация: This book offers a pioneering study of Asian cultures that officially escaped from French colonization but nonetheless were steeped in French civilization in the colonial era and had heavily French-influenced, largely francophone literatures. It raises a number of provocative questions, including whether colonization is the ultimate requirement for a culture's being defined as francophone, or how to think about francophone literatures that emerge from Asian nations that were historically free from French domination. The ultimate result is a redefining of the Asian francophone heritage according to new, transnational paradigms.
DDC 840.9/003
E 11
Early modern écologies : : beyond English ecocriticism / / edited by Pauline Goul and Phillip John Usher. - Amsterdam: : Amsterdam University Press,, ©2020. - 1 online resource (309 pages) : : il. - (Environmental humanities in pre-modern cultures). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/63DF6C23-CAB5-431F-883C-2194704EDDB3. - ISBN 9789048537211 (electronic bk.). - ISBN 9048537215 (electronic bk.)
Print version record.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Early modern écologies. - Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, [2020]. - ISBN 9462985979
~РУБ DDC 840.9/003
Рубрики: French literature--History and criticism., 16th century
Ecocriticism in literature.
Ecology in literature.
Nature in literature.
SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Ecology
Аннотация: Early Modern Écologies' is the first collective volume to offer perspectives on the relationship between contemporary ecological thought and early modern French literature. If Descartes spoke of humans as being "masters and possessors of Nature" in the seventeenth century, the writers taken up in this volume arguably demonstrated a more complex and urgent understanding of the human relationship to our shared planet. Opening up a rich archive of literary and non-literary texts produced by Montaigne and his contemporaries, this volume foregrounds not how ecocriticism renews our understanding of a literary corpus, but rather how that corpus causes us to re-think or to nuance contemporary eco-theory. The sparsely bilingual title (an acute accent on écologies) denotes the primary task at hand: to pluralize (i.e. de-Anglophone-ize) the Environmental Humanities. Featuring established and emerging scholars from Europe and the United States, Early Modern Écologies opens up new dialogues between eco-theorists such as Timothy Morton, Gilles Deleuze, and Bruno Latour and Montaigne, Ronsard, Du Bartas, and Olivier de Serres.
Доп.точки доступа:
Goul, Pauline, \editor.\
Usher, Phillip John, \editor.\
E 11
Early modern écologies : : beyond English ecocriticism / / edited by Pauline Goul and Phillip John Usher. - Amsterdam: : Amsterdam University Press,, ©2020. - 1 online resource (309 pages) : : il. - (Environmental humanities in pre-modern cultures). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/63DF6C23-CAB5-431F-883C-2194704EDDB3. - ISBN 9789048537211 (electronic bk.). - ISBN 9048537215 (electronic bk.)
Print version record.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Early modern écologies. - Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, [2020]. - ISBN 9462985979
Рубрики: French literature--History and criticism., 16th century
Ecocriticism in literature.
Ecology in literature.
Nature in literature.
SCIENCE / Life Sciences / Ecology
Аннотация: Early Modern Écologies' is the first collective volume to offer perspectives on the relationship between contemporary ecological thought and early modern French literature. If Descartes spoke of humans as being "masters and possessors of Nature" in the seventeenth century, the writers taken up in this volume arguably demonstrated a more complex and urgent understanding of the human relationship to our shared planet. Opening up a rich archive of literary and non-literary texts produced by Montaigne and his contemporaries, this volume foregrounds not how ecocriticism renews our understanding of a literary corpus, but rather how that corpus causes us to re-think or to nuance contemporary eco-theory. The sparsely bilingual title (an acute accent on écologies) denotes the primary task at hand: to pluralize (i.e. de-Anglophone-ize) the Environmental Humanities. Featuring established and emerging scholars from Europe and the United States, Early Modern Écologies opens up new dialogues between eco-theorists such as Timothy Morton, Gilles Deleuze, and Bruno Latour and Montaigne, Ronsard, Du Bartas, and Olivier de Serres.
Доп.точки доступа:
Goul, Pauline, \editor.\
Usher, Phillip John, \editor.\
DDC 938
B 41
Bell, Sinclair W.
At the Crossroads of Greco-Roman History, Culture, and Religion [[electronic resource] :] : Papers in Memory of Carin M. C. Green. / Sinclair W. Bell, Holland, Lora L. - Oxford : : Archaeopress,, 2018. - 1 online resource (307 p.). - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/794F9349-B7FF-41EF-9C6A-3D3AEA2B0142. - ISBN 1789690145. - ISBN 9781789690149 (electronic bk.)
Description based upon print version of record.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Bell, Sinclair W. At the Crossroads of Greco-Roman History, Culture, and Religion : Papers in Memory of Carin M. C. Green. - Oxford : Archaeopress,c2018
Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Carin M. C. Green (30 March 1948-2 July 2015). -- University Relations Slides, the University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, Iowa, -- inv. nr. fs-2-01-2398-12-ts-2. -- Contributors -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- Preface -- Sinclair W. Bell -- Acknowledgments -- Bibliography of Works by Carin M. C. Green -- Introduction -- Lora L. Holland and Sinclair W. Bell -- Herakles' Thirteenth Labor -- Svetla Slaveva-Griffin -- Thucydides' Verdict on Nicias (7.86.5) and the Paradigm of Tragedy -- Frances B. Titchener and Mark L. Damen -- "Men, Friends"
(Pre)historiography and Periegesis -- Catullus and the Personal Empire -- Christopher Nappa -- Ex opportunitate loci -- Sallust's Allobrogian Envoys -- Kathryn Williams -- Horace, Satires 1.7 and the urbanissimus iocus -- John Svarlien -- Ovid among the Barbarians: Tristia 5.7a and 5.7b -- Helena Dettmer -- Figure 9.1. Structure of Tristia 5.7a -- Figure 9.2. Ring structure of lines 25-42 of Tristia 5.7b -- Figure 9.3. Ring structure of lines 43-68 of Tristia 5.7b -- 9.4. Ring structure framing the central section of Tristia 5.7b -- The Introduction of Characters in Petronius -- Martha Habash
Playing the Victor: Triumphal Anxiety in Neronian Satire -- Mark Thorne -- Theocritus' First Idyll and Vergil's First Eclogue: Two New Translations -- Jane Wilson Joyce -- The Popularity of Hercules in Pre-Roman Central Italy -- Karl Galinsky -- Figure 13.1a-c. Hercules in assault. After Campanelli et al. 1997, 144, figs. 7-9. -- Figure 13.2. Hercules with stylized lion skin. After Colonna 1970, fig. 386. -- Figure 13.3. Votive statuette of Hellenized Hercules. After Campanelli et al. 1997, 147, fig. 20. -- Figure 13.4. Lion skin and Hercules. After Colonna 1970, fig. 374.
Figure 13.5. Hercules in repose. After Campanelli et al. 1997, 147, fig. 14. -- Figure 13.6. Hercules of Cafeo. After Bonacasa 2013, 69 [fig. 37]. -- 13.7. Votive statuette of Hercules Farnese type. After Moreno 1989, pl. VI. -- 13.8. Hercules with attributes of Dionysus. After Colonna 1970, fig. 476. -- Spolia as Strategy in the Early Roman Empire -- Ovid and the Legend of Capella (Fasti 5.111-128) -- John F. Miller -- Figure 15.1. Fountain frieze, marble, second century CE. Musei Vaticani inv. 9510. Photo: Vatican Museums, published with permission. -- Galen and the Culture of Dissection
Lesley Dean-Jones -- Warts and All: The Paratexts in the Iowa Lucan -- Samuel J. Huskey -- Three Editions of Lucan's Bellum Civile -- Mark Morford
~РУБ DDC 938
Рубрики: Civilization, Greco-Roman.
Philosophy, Ancient.
Latin literature--History and criticism.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Archaeology
Civilization, Greco-Roman.
Latin literature.
Philosophy, Ancient.
Mediterranean Region--Civilization.
Mediterranean Region.
Аннотация: Papers in honour of Carin M. C. Green (1948-2015) are presented under 3 headings: (1) Greek philosophy, history, and historiography; (2) Latin literature, history, and historiography; and (3) Greco-Roman material culture, religion, and literature.
Доп.точки доступа:
Holland, Lora L.
Green, C. M. C.
B 41
Bell, Sinclair W.
At the Crossroads of Greco-Roman History, Culture, and Religion [[electronic resource] :] : Papers in Memory of Carin M. C. Green. / Sinclair W. Bell, Holland, Lora L. - Oxford : : Archaeopress,, 2018. - 1 online resource (307 p.). - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/794F9349-B7FF-41EF-9C6A-3D3AEA2B0142. - ISBN 1789690145. - ISBN 9781789690149 (electronic bk.)
Description based upon print version of record.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Bell, Sinclair W. At the Crossroads of Greco-Roman History, Culture, and Religion : Papers in Memory of Carin M. C. Green. - Oxford : Archaeopress,c2018
Cover -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Carin M. C. Green (30 March 1948-2 July 2015). -- University Relations Slides, the University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, Iowa, -- inv. nr. fs-2-01-2398-12-ts-2. -- Contributors -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- Preface -- Sinclair W. Bell -- Acknowledgments -- Bibliography of Works by Carin M. C. Green -- Introduction -- Lora L. Holland and Sinclair W. Bell -- Herakles' Thirteenth Labor -- Svetla Slaveva-Griffin -- Thucydides' Verdict on Nicias (7.86.5) and the Paradigm of Tragedy -- Frances B. Titchener and Mark L. Damen -- "Men, Friends"
(Pre)historiography and Periegesis -- Catullus and the Personal Empire -- Christopher Nappa -- Ex opportunitate loci -- Sallust's Allobrogian Envoys -- Kathryn Williams -- Horace, Satires 1.7 and the urbanissimus iocus -- John Svarlien -- Ovid among the Barbarians: Tristia 5.7a and 5.7b -- Helena Dettmer -- Figure 9.1. Structure of Tristia 5.7a -- Figure 9.2. Ring structure of lines 25-42 of Tristia 5.7b -- Figure 9.3. Ring structure of lines 43-68 of Tristia 5.7b -- 9.4. Ring structure framing the central section of Tristia 5.7b -- The Introduction of Characters in Petronius -- Martha Habash
Playing the Victor: Triumphal Anxiety in Neronian Satire -- Mark Thorne -- Theocritus' First Idyll and Vergil's First Eclogue: Two New Translations -- Jane Wilson Joyce -- The Popularity of Hercules in Pre-Roman Central Italy -- Karl Galinsky -- Figure 13.1a-c. Hercules in assault. After Campanelli et al. 1997, 144, figs. 7-9. -- Figure 13.2. Hercules with stylized lion skin. After Colonna 1970, fig. 386. -- Figure 13.3. Votive statuette of Hellenized Hercules. After Campanelli et al. 1997, 147, fig. 20. -- Figure 13.4. Lion skin and Hercules. After Colonna 1970, fig. 374.
Figure 13.5. Hercules in repose. After Campanelli et al. 1997, 147, fig. 14. -- Figure 13.6. Hercules of Cafeo. After Bonacasa 2013, 69 [fig. 37]. -- 13.7. Votive statuette of Hercules Farnese type. After Moreno 1989, pl. VI. -- 13.8. Hercules with attributes of Dionysus. After Colonna 1970, fig. 476. -- Spolia as Strategy in the Early Roman Empire -- Ovid and the Legend of Capella (Fasti 5.111-128) -- John F. Miller -- Figure 15.1. Fountain frieze, marble, second century CE. Musei Vaticani inv. 9510. Photo: Vatican Museums, published with permission. -- Galen and the Culture of Dissection
Lesley Dean-Jones -- Warts and All: The Paratexts in the Iowa Lucan -- Samuel J. Huskey -- Three Editions of Lucan's Bellum Civile -- Mark Morford
Рубрики: Civilization, Greco-Roman.
Philosophy, Ancient.
Latin literature--History and criticism.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Archaeology
Civilization, Greco-Roman.
Latin literature.
Philosophy, Ancient.
Mediterranean Region--Civilization.
Mediterranean Region.
Аннотация: Papers in honour of Carin M. C. Green (1948-2015) are presented under 3 headings: (1) Greek philosophy, history, and historiography; (2) Latin literature, history, and historiography; and (3) Greco-Roman material culture, religion, and literature.
Доп.точки доступа:
Holland, Lora L.
Green, C. M. C.
DDC 791.43/615
P 49
Pesses, Michael W. ,
Ecomobilities : : driving the anthropocene in popular cinema / / Michael W. Pesses. - Lanham : : Lexington Books,, [2021]. - 1 online resource. - (Environment and society). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/EAE5BF82-ADCC-4C4C-90AF-382C53756488. - ISBN 149859820X. - ISBN 9781498598200 (electronic bk.)
Description based on print version record and CIP data provided by publisher; resource not viewed.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Pesses, Michael W. Ecomobilities. - Lanham : Lexington Books, [2021]. - ISBN 9781498598194
Introduction: Driving the anthropocene -- Method -- "So shiny so chrome": images and ideology of humans, machines, and the earth in George Miller's Mad Max: fury road -- Machines precede the climate: the technological fix -- Zombies and the horror of not having a car: apocalyptic stories as ecomobilities -- "I hope you have a big trunk 'cause I'm putting my bike in it": Alternative transportation as a reinforcement of capitalism -- Conclusion.
~РУБ DDC 791.43/615
Рубрики: Apocalyptic films--History and criticism.--United States
Automobiles in motion pictures.
Automobiles--Social aspects--History.--United States
Human ecology in motion pictures.
Apocalyptic films.
Automobiles in motion pictures.
Automobiles--Social aspects.
Human ecology in motion pictures.
United States.
Аннотация: "Ecomobilities examines the American cultural attachment to automobility. By analyzing the role of machines and transportation in apocalyptic films, Michael W. Pesses reveals the ideological connections between automobiles, the environment, and the end of the world"--
P 49
Pesses, Michael W. ,
Ecomobilities : : driving the anthropocene in popular cinema / / Michael W. Pesses. - Lanham : : Lexington Books,, [2021]. - 1 online resource. - (Environment and society). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/EAE5BF82-ADCC-4C4C-90AF-382C53756488. - ISBN 149859820X. - ISBN 9781498598200 (electronic bk.)
Description based on print version record and CIP data provided by publisher; resource not viewed.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Pesses, Michael W. Ecomobilities. - Lanham : Lexington Books, [2021]. - ISBN 9781498598194
Introduction: Driving the anthropocene -- Method -- "So shiny so chrome": images and ideology of humans, machines, and the earth in George Miller's Mad Max: fury road -- Machines precede the climate: the technological fix -- Zombies and the horror of not having a car: apocalyptic stories as ecomobilities -- "I hope you have a big trunk 'cause I'm putting my bike in it": Alternative transportation as a reinforcement of capitalism -- Conclusion.
Рубрики: Apocalyptic films--History and criticism.--United States
Automobiles in motion pictures.
Automobiles--Social aspects--History.--United States
Human ecology in motion pictures.
Apocalyptic films.
Automobiles in motion pictures.
Automobiles--Social aspects.
Human ecology in motion pictures.
United States.
Аннотация: "Ecomobilities examines the American cultural attachment to automobility. By analyzing the role of machines and transportation in apocalyptic films, Michael W. Pesses reveals the ideological connections between automobiles, the environment, and the end of the world"--
DDC 863.309
G 18
García Santo-Tomás, Santo-Tomás, Enrique,.
The refracted muse : : literature and optics in early modern Spain / / Enrique García Santo-Tomás ; Vincent Barletta, translator. - Chicago : : The University of Chicago Press,, 2018. - 1 online resource : : il. - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/C212924E-27CC-44B7-B7D4-9EA82D36D333. - ISBN 9780226465876 (ebook). - ISBN 022646587X
Translated from the Spanish. Previously issued in print: 2017. Description based on online resource; title from home page (viewed on December 12, 2017).
Параллельные издания: Print version: :
Writing on the firmament. Observations -- Galileo and his Spanish contemporaries. Foundations ; Assimilations ; Inscriptions -- The science of satire ; Situations ; Explorations -- The refracted muse. Interventions ; Reverberations.
~РУБ DDC 863.309
Рубрики: Spanish fiction--History and criticism., Classical period, 1500-1700
Literature and science--History--Spain, 17th century.
Science--History--Spain, 17th century.
Literature and science.
Spanish fiction--Classical period.
Аннотация: Galileo never set foot on the Iberian Peninsula, yet, as Enrique García Santo-Tomás unfolds in 'The Refracted Muse', the news of his work with telescopes brought him to surprising prominence, not just among Spaniards working in the developing science of optometry but among creative writers as well. While Spain is often thought to have taken little notice of the Scientific Revolution, García Santo-Tomás tells a different story, one that reveals Golden Age Spanish literature to be in close dialogue with the New Science.
Доп.точки доступа:
Barletta, Vincent, \translator.\
G 18
García Santo-Tomás, Santo-Tomás, Enrique,.
The refracted muse : : literature and optics in early modern Spain / / Enrique García Santo-Tomás ; Vincent Barletta, translator. - Chicago : : The University of Chicago Press,, 2018. - 1 online resource : : il. - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/C212924E-27CC-44B7-B7D4-9EA82D36D333. - ISBN 9780226465876 (ebook). - ISBN 022646587X
Translated from the Spanish. Previously issued in print: 2017. Description based on online resource; title from home page (viewed on December 12, 2017).
Параллельные издания: Print version: :
Writing on the firmament. Observations -- Galileo and his Spanish contemporaries. Foundations ; Assimilations ; Inscriptions -- The science of satire ; Situations ; Explorations -- The refracted muse. Interventions ; Reverberations.
Рубрики: Spanish fiction--History and criticism., Classical period, 1500-1700
Literature and science--History--Spain, 17th century.
Science--History--Spain, 17th century.
Literature and science.
Spanish fiction--Classical period.
Аннотация: Galileo never set foot on the Iberian Peninsula, yet, as Enrique García Santo-Tomás unfolds in 'The Refracted Muse', the news of his work with telescopes brought him to surprising prominence, not just among Spaniards working in the developing science of optometry but among creative writers as well. While Spain is often thought to have taken little notice of the Scientific Revolution, García Santo-Tomás tells a different story, one that reveals Golden Age Spanish literature to be in close dialogue with the New Science.
Доп.точки доступа:
Barletta, Vincent, \translator.\
DDC 415
Z 57
Zerubavel, Eviatar,.
Taken for granted : : the remarkable power of the unremarkable / / Eviatar Zerubavel. - Princeton, NJ : : Princeton University Press,, [2018]. - 1 online resource (xii, 142 pages) : : il. - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/0A59F6E6-9F1A-428D-B73F-01C8F4A9F482. - ISBN 9781400889464 (electronic bk.). - ISBN 1400889464 (electronic bk.)
Online resource; title from PDF title page (EBSCO, viewed February 27, 2018).
Cover; Title; Copyright; Contents; Preface; 1 The Marked and the Unmarked; 2 Semiotic Asymmetry; Semiotic Weight; Tacit Assumptions and Cognitive Defaults; The Common and the Exceptional; 3 Social Variations on a Theme; Marking Traditions; Marking Conventions; Situational Variability; Marking Battles; 4 The Politics of Normality; Normality and Deviance; The Shape of Normality; Normalizing and Othering; Representativeness; Neutrality and Invisibility; Self-Evidence and Cognitive Hegemony; 5 Semiotic Subversion; Marking the Unmarked; The Politics of Foregrounding; Academic Foregrounding.
Artistic ForegroundingComic Foregrounding; Backgrounding; 6 Language and Cultural Change; Notes; Bibliography; Author Index; Subject Index.
~РУБ DDC 415
Рубрики: Markedness (Linguistics)
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES--Grammar & Punctuation.
Markedness (Linguistics)
LITERARY CRITICISM / Semiotics & Theory
Z 57
Zerubavel, Eviatar,.
Taken for granted : : the remarkable power of the unremarkable / / Eviatar Zerubavel. - Princeton, NJ : : Princeton University Press,, [2018]. - 1 online resource (xii, 142 pages) : : il. - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/0A59F6E6-9F1A-428D-B73F-01C8F4A9F482. - ISBN 9781400889464 (electronic bk.). - ISBN 1400889464 (electronic bk.)
Online resource; title from PDF title page (EBSCO, viewed February 27, 2018).
Cover; Title; Copyright; Contents; Preface; 1 The Marked and the Unmarked; 2 Semiotic Asymmetry; Semiotic Weight; Tacit Assumptions and Cognitive Defaults; The Common and the Exceptional; 3 Social Variations on a Theme; Marking Traditions; Marking Conventions; Situational Variability; Marking Battles; 4 The Politics of Normality; Normality and Deviance; The Shape of Normality; Normalizing and Othering; Representativeness; Neutrality and Invisibility; Self-Evidence and Cognitive Hegemony; 5 Semiotic Subversion; Marking the Unmarked; The Politics of Foregrounding; Academic Foregrounding.
Artistic ForegroundingComic Foregrounding; Backgrounding; 6 Language and Cultural Change; Notes; Bibliography; Author Index; Subject Index.
Рубрики: Markedness (Linguistics)
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES--Grammar & Punctuation.
Markedness (Linguistics)
LITERARY CRITICISM / Semiotics & Theory
DDC 813.009/353
A 46
Amato, Elizabeth,.
The pursuit of happiness and the American regime : : political theory in literature / / Elizabeth Amato. - Lanham : : Lexington Books,, [2018]. - 1 online resource. - (Politics, literature, and film). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/918D6A92-7B6B-42BF-93BD-66BE8EAD36BE. - ISBN 9781498554206 (Electronic). - ISBN 1498554202
Description based on print version record and CIP data provided by publisher; resource not viewed.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Amato, Elizabeth, author. Pursuit of happiness and the American regime. - Lanham : Lexington Books, [2017]. - ISBN 9781498554190
Understanding the American pursuit of happiness -- Tom Wolfe's status hungry America -- Walker Percy's search -- Edith Wharton's case for happiness and society -- Hawthorne's hope for friendship and happiness -- Sharing the pursuit of happiness.
~РУБ DDC 813.009/353
Рубрики: American fiction--History and criticism.
Politics in literature.
Happiness in literature.
LITERARY CRITICISM--American--General.
American fiction.
Happiness in literature.
Politics in literature.
Аннотация: This book explores happiness research and liberal theory. It treats four American novelists as political thinkers through close textual analysis of their novels. This book concludes that friendship is the real basis of happiness and that it is an alternative to the individualistic pursuit of happiness.
A 46
Amato, Elizabeth,.
The pursuit of happiness and the American regime : : political theory in literature / / Elizabeth Amato. - Lanham : : Lexington Books,, [2018]. - 1 online resource. - (Politics, literature, and film). - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/918D6A92-7B6B-42BF-93BD-66BE8EAD36BE. - ISBN 9781498554206 (Electronic). - ISBN 1498554202
Description based on print version record and CIP data provided by publisher; resource not viewed.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Amato, Elizabeth, author. Pursuit of happiness and the American regime. - Lanham : Lexington Books, [2017]. - ISBN 9781498554190
Understanding the American pursuit of happiness -- Tom Wolfe's status hungry America -- Walker Percy's search -- Edith Wharton's case for happiness and society -- Hawthorne's hope for friendship and happiness -- Sharing the pursuit of happiness.
Рубрики: American fiction--History and criticism.
Politics in literature.
Happiness in literature.
LITERARY CRITICISM--American--General.
American fiction.
Happiness in literature.
Politics in literature.
Аннотация: This book explores happiness research and liberal theory. It treats four American novelists as political thinkers through close textual analysis of their novels. This book concludes that friendship is the real basis of happiness and that it is an alternative to the individualistic pursuit of happiness.
DDC 142/.7
T 44
The Sources of Husserl’s 'Ideas I' / / Andrea Staiti, Evan Clarke. - 1515/97831105515949783110527803. - Berlin ; ; Boston : : De Gruyter,, ©2018. - 1 online resource (484 p.) ( час. мин.), 1515/97831105515949783110527803. - In English. - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/6E653FB3-B0E9-432C-9921-893078417883. - ISBN 9783110551594. - ISBN 3110551594. - ISBN 3110527804. - ISBN 9783110527803
Description based on online resource; title from PDF title page (publisher's Web site, viewed 22. Mai 2018).
Параллельные издания:
~РУБ DDC 142/.7
Рубрики: Husserl, Edmund.
Ideas I.
Ideen I.
PHILOSOPHY / Criticism
PHILOSOPHY / Movements / Critical Theory
PHILOSOPHY / Movements / Existentialism
Аннотация: Despite an ever-growing scholarly interest in the work of Edmund Husserl and in the history of the phenomenological movement, much of the contemporaneous scholarly context surrounding Husserl's work remains shrouded in darkness. While much has been written about the critiques of Husserl's work associated with Heidegger, Levinas, and Sartre, comparatively little is known of the debates that Husserl was directly involved in. The present volume addresses this gap in scholarship by presenting a comprehensive selection of contemporaneous responses to Husserl's work. Ranging in date from 1906 to 1917, these texts bookend Husserl's landmark Ideas for a Pure Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy (1913). The selection encompasses essays that Husserl responded to directly in the Ideas I, as well as a number of the critical and sympathetic essays that appeared in the wake of its publication. Significantly, the present volume also includes Husserl's subsequent responses to his critics. All of the texts included have been translated into English for the first time, introducing the reader to a wide range of long-neglected material that is highly relevant to contemporary debates regarding the meaning and possibility of phenomenology.
Доп.точки доступа:
Clarke, Evan, \editor.\
Staiti, Andrea, \editor.\
Husserl, Edmund,
T 44
The Sources of Husserl’s 'Ideas I' / / Andrea Staiti, Evan Clarke. - 1515/97831105515949783110527803. - Berlin ; ; Boston : : De Gruyter,, ©2018. - 1 online resource (484 p.) ( час. мин.), 1515/97831105515949783110527803. - In English. - Includes bibliographical references and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/6E653FB3-B0E9-432C-9921-893078417883. - ISBN 9783110551594. - ISBN 3110551594. - ISBN 3110527804. - ISBN 9783110527803
Description based on online resource; title from PDF title page (publisher's Web site, viewed 22. Mai 2018).
Параллельные издания:
Рубрики: Husserl, Edmund.
Ideas I.
Ideen I.
PHILOSOPHY / Criticism
PHILOSOPHY / Movements / Critical Theory
PHILOSOPHY / Movements / Existentialism
Аннотация: Despite an ever-growing scholarly interest in the work of Edmund Husserl and in the history of the phenomenological movement, much of the contemporaneous scholarly context surrounding Husserl's work remains shrouded in darkness. While much has been written about the critiques of Husserl's work associated with Heidegger, Levinas, and Sartre, comparatively little is known of the debates that Husserl was directly involved in. The present volume addresses this gap in scholarship by presenting a comprehensive selection of contemporaneous responses to Husserl's work. Ranging in date from 1906 to 1917, these texts bookend Husserl's landmark Ideas for a Pure Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy (1913). The selection encompasses essays that Husserl responded to directly in the Ideas I, as well as a number of the critical and sympathetic essays that appeared in the wake of its publication. Significantly, the present volume also includes Husserl's subsequent responses to his critics. All of the texts included have been translated into English for the first time, introducing the reader to a wide range of long-neglected material that is highly relevant to contemporary debates regarding the meaning and possibility of phenomenology.
Доп.точки доступа:
Clarke, Evan, \editor.\
Staiti, Andrea, \editor.\
Husserl, Edmund,
DDC 841/.8
B 76
Boncardo, Robert.
Mallarmé and the politics of literature : : Sartre, Kristeva, Badiou, Rancière / / Robert Boncardo. - Edinburgh : : Edinburgh University Press,, ©2018. - 1 online resource (x, 252 pages). - (Crosscurrents). - Includes bibliographical references (pages 245-250) and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/C9BEF971-68E2-4DF1-8DB0-AEE7907128C7. - ISBN 9781474429542 (electronic bk.). - ISBN 1474429548 (electronic bk.)
Print version record.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Boncardo, Robert. Mallarmé and the politics of literature. - Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2018. - ISBN 9781474429528
~РУБ DDC 841/.8
Рубрики: French poetry--History and criticism--Theory, etc.
POETRY / Continental European
PHILOSOPHY / Metaphysics
Аннотация: With in-depth studies of Jean-Paul Sartre, Julia Kristeva, Alain Badiou and Jacques Rancir̈e, along with shorter analyses of Jean-Claude Milner and Quentin Meillassoux, Boncardo asks how Stéphane Mallarmé became so politically significant for left-wing French intellectuals.
Доп.точки доступа:
Mallarmé, Stéphane,
Sartre, Jean-Paul,
Kristeva, Julia,
Badiou, Alain
Rancière, Jacques
Rancière, Jacques.
Badiou, Alain.
B 76
Boncardo, Robert.
Mallarmé and the politics of literature : : Sartre, Kristeva, Badiou, Rancière / / Robert Boncardo. - Edinburgh : : Edinburgh University Press,, ©2018. - 1 online resource (x, 252 pages). - (Crosscurrents). - Includes bibliographical references (pages 245-250) and index. - URL: https://library.dvfu.ru/lib/document/SK_ELIB/C9BEF971-68E2-4DF1-8DB0-AEE7907128C7. - ISBN 9781474429542 (electronic bk.). - ISBN 1474429548 (electronic bk.)
Print version record.
Параллельные издания: Print version: : Boncardo, Robert. Mallarmé and the politics of literature. - Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, 2018. - ISBN 9781474429528
Рубрики: French poetry--History and criticism--Theory, etc.
POETRY / Continental European
PHILOSOPHY / Metaphysics
Аннотация: With in-depth studies of Jean-Paul Sartre, Julia Kristeva, Alain Badiou and Jacques Rancir̈e, along with shorter analyses of Jean-Claude Milner and Quentin Meillassoux, Boncardo asks how Stéphane Mallarmé became so politically significant for left-wing French intellectuals.
Доп.точки доступа:
Mallarmé, Stéphane,
Sartre, Jean-Paul,
Kristeva, Julia,
Badiou, Alain
Rancière, Jacques
Rancière, Jacques.
Badiou, Alain.
Страница 1, Результатов: 100